Exemplo de script do PowerShell – implementação do Teams limpo up
Utilize este script para remover o Teams. Este script desinstala o Teams e remove a pasta teams de um utilizador. Execute este script para cada perfil de utilizador no qual o Teams foi instalado num computador.
Script de exemplo
This script uninstalls the Teams app and removes the Teams directory for a user.
Use this script to remove and clear the Teams app from a computer. Run this PowerShell script for each user profile in which Teams was installed on the computer. After you run this script for all user profiles, redeploy Teams.
$TeamsPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:LOCALAPPDATA, 'Microsoft', 'Teams')
$TeamsUpdateExePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($TeamsPath, 'Update.exe')
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($TeamsUpdateExePath)) {
Write-Host "Uninstalling Teams process"
# Uninstall app
$proc = Start-Process $TeamsUpdateExePath "-uninstall -s" -PassThru
Write-Host "Deleting Teams directory"
Remove-Item –path $TeamsPath -recurse
Write-Output "Uninstall failed with exception $_.exception.message"
exit /b 1