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WIA Property Constant Definitions

The following is a list of Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) property friendly names and numerical IDs. They are presented as Microsoft Visual Basic constant definitions, for convenient inclusion in applications or scripts.

For Visual Basic applications, add a reference to "Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition 1.01 Type Library", where these constants are provided as enumeration types.

const DeviceID = 2
const Manufacturer = 3
const Description = 4
const Type = 5
const Port = 6
const Name = 7
const Server = 8
const RemoteDevID = 9
const UIClassID = 10
const FirmwareVersion = 1026
const ConnectStatus = 1027
const DeviceTime = 1028
const PicturesTaken = 2050
const PicturesRemaining = 2051
const ExposureMode = 2052
const ExposureCompensation = 2053
const ExposureTime = 2054
const FNumber = 2055
const FlashMode = 2056
const FocusMode = 2057
const FocusManualDist = 2058
const ZoomPosition = 2059
const PanPosition = 2060
const TiltPostion = 2061
const TimerMode = 2062
const TimerValue = 2063
const PowerMode = 2064
const BatteryStatus = 2065
const Dimension = 2070
const HorizontalBedSize = 3074
const VerticalBedSize = 3075
const HorizontalSheetFeedSize = 3076
const VerticalSheetFeedSize = 3077
const SheetFeederRegistration = 3078
const HorizontalBedRegistration = 3079
const VerticalBedRegistraion = 3080
const PlatenColor = 3081
const PadColor = 3082
const FilterSelect = 3083
const DitherSelect = 3084
const DitherPatternData = 3085
const DocumentHandlingCapabilities = 3086
const DocumentHandlingStatus = 3087
const DocumentHandlingSelect = 3088
const DocumentHandlingCapacity = 3089
const HorizontalOpticalResolution = 3090
const VerticalOpticalResolution = 3091
const EndorserCharacters = 3092
const EndorserString = 3093
const ScanAheadPages = 3094
const MaxScanTime = 3095
const Pages = 3096
const PageSize = 3097
const PageWidth = 3098
const PageHeight = 3099
const Preview = 3100
const TransparencyAdapter = 3101
const TransparecnyAdapterSelect = 3102
const ItemName = 4098
const FullItemName = 4099
const ItemTimeStamp = 4100
const ItemFlags = 4101
const AccessRights = 4102
const DataType = 4103
const BitsPerPixel = 4104
const PreferredFormat = 4105
const Format = 4106
const Compression = 4107
const MediaType = 4108
const ChannelsPerPixel = 4109
const BitsPerChannel = 4110
const Planar = 4111
const PixelsPerLine = 4112
const BytesPerLine = 4113
const NumberOfLines = 4114
const GammaCurves = 4115
const ItemSize = 4116
const ColorProfiles = 4117
const BufferSize = 4118
const RegionType = 4119
const ColorProfileName = 4120
const ApplicationAppliesColorMapping = 4121
const StreamCompatibilityID = 4122
const ThumbData = 5122
const ThumbWidth = 5123
const ThumbHeight = 5124
const AudioAvailable = 5125
const AudioFormat = 5126
const AudioData = 5127
const PicturesPerRow = 5128
const SequenceNumber = 5129
const TimeDelay = 5130
const CurrentIntent = 6146
const HorizontalResolution = 6147
const VerticalResolution = 6148
const HorizontalStartPostion = 6149
const VerticalStartPosition = 6150
const HorizontalExtent = 6151
const VerticalExtent = 6152
const PhotometricInterpretation = 6153
const Brightness = 6154
const Contrast = 6155
const Orientation = 6156
const Rotation = 6157
const Mirror = 6158
const Threshold = 6159
const Invert= 6160
const LampWarmUpTime = 6161