MsRdpClient2a class
Microsoft RDP Client Control (redistributable) - version 3a
This class implements the following interfaces.
- IMsRdpClient2
- IMsRdpClient
- IMsTscAx
- IDispatch
- IMsTscAxEvents
- IMsTscNonScriptable
- IMsRdpClientNonScriptable
MsRdpClient2a has these types of members:
The MsRdpClient2a class has these methods.
Method | Description |
Connect | Initiates a connection using the properties currently set on the control. |
CreateVirtualChannels | Creates a client-side virtual channel object for each specified virtual channel name. |
Disconnect | Disconnects the active connection. |
GetVirtualChannelOptions | Retrieves the options set for a virtual channel. |
NotifyRedirectDeviceChange | Notifies the device redirection module of the Remote Desktop ActiveX control that a device change has occurred on the system. This method passes WM_DEVICECHANGE notifications to the control. |
OnAuthenticationWarningDismissed | Called after an ActiveX control displays an authentication dialog box (for example, the certificate error dialog box). |
OnAuthenticationWarningDisplayed | Called before an ActiveX control displays an authentication dialog box (for example, the certificate error dialog box). |
OnAutoReconnected | Called when the client control has automatically reconnected to a remote session. |
OnAutoReconnecting | Called when a client is in the process of automatically reconnecting a session with a RD Session Host server. |
OnAutoReconnecting2 | Called when a client is in the process of automatically reconnecting a session with a RD Session Host server. |
OnChannelReceivedData | Called when the client receives data on a scriptable virtual channel. |
OnConfirmClose | Called when the client calls the IMsRdpClient::RequestClose method. |
OnConnected | Called when the client control is in the process of establishing a connection with a RD Session Host server. |
OnConnecting | Called when the client control begins connecting to a server in response to a call to IMsTscAx::Connect. |
OnConnectionBarPullDown | Called when the user has dragged down on the connection bar. |
OnDevicesButtonPressed | Called when the devices button in the connection bar has been pressed. |
OnDisconnected | Called when the client control has been disconnected from the RD Session Host server. |
OnEnterFullScreenMode | Called when the client enters full-screen mode. For example, this event is called when the user presses the full-screen mode shortcut key combination (CTRL+ALT+BREAK). |
OnFatalError | Called when the client control encounters a fatal error. |
OnFocusReleased | Called when the release focus key combination is pressed. For example, this event is called when the user presses the CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW or the CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW key combination. |
OnIdleTimeoutNotification | Called when there has been no mouse or keyboard input by the user during the period of time set by the IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings::put_MinutesToIdleTimeout method. |
OnLeaveFullScreenMode | Called when the client leaves full-screen mode. For example, this event is called when the user presses the full-screen mode shortcut key combination (CTRL+ALT+BREAK). |
OnLoginComplete | Called when the client control has successfully logged on to a RD Session Host server, following the display of the Windows Logon dialog box. |
OnLogonError | Called when a logon error or other logon event occurs. |
OnMouseInputModeChanged | Called when the mouse input mode has changed. |
OnNetworkStatusChanged | Called when the network status has changed. |
OnReceivedTSPublicKey | Called during the connection sequence when the client retrieves the public key from the server. This event is only called if the NotifyTSPublicKey property is VARIANT_TRUE. |
OnRemoteDesktopSizeChange | Called to indicate that the size of the client control on the remote desktop has changed in response to a client control operation. |
OnRemoteProgramDisplayed | Called when a RemoteApp program is displayed. |
OnRemoteProgramResult | Called when a RemoteApp program returns a result to the client control. |
OnRemoteWindowDisplayed | Called when a RemoteApp window is displayed. |
OnRequestContainerMinimize | Called when the user presses the Minimize button on the connection bar in full-screen mode. The firing of this event is a request that the container application minimize itself. |
OnRequestGoFullScreen | Called when the client requests to switch to full-screen mode and the IMsTscAdvancedSettings::put_ContainerHandledFullScreen method is called to set the ContainerHandledFullScreen property to a nonzero value. |
OnRequestLeaveFullScreen | Called when the client requests to leave full-screen mode and the IMsTscAdvancedSettings::put_ContainerHandledFullScreen property has been set to a nonzero value. |
OnServiceMessageReceived | Called when the client receives a system message. |
OnUserNameAcquired | Called when the user name has been acquired by the control. |
OnWarning | Called when the client control encounters an error condition that is not fatal. |
RequestClose | Requests a graceful shutdown of the client control. |
ResetPassword | Resets all password states in the control. |
SendKeys | Sends a series of keystrokes to the control. The keystrokes are in scan code form, which is the keyboard data from the actual physical keys. |
SendOnVirtualChannel | Sends data to the RD Session Host server over a virtual channel that was created previously by using the IMsTscAx::CreateVirtualChannels method. |
SetVirtualChannelOptions | Sets the virtual channel options for the client control. |
The MsRdpClient2a class has these properties.
Property | Access type | Description |
AdvancedSettings |
Read-only |
An IMsTscAdvancedSettings interface pointer. |
AdvancedSettings2 |
Read-only |
Pointer to the IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings interface, used to set advanced settings for the client control. |
AdvancedSettings3 |
Read-only |
Pointer to the IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings2 interface, used to set advanced settings for the client control. |
BinaryPassword |
Read/write |
This property is not supported. |
BinarySalt |
Read/write |
This property is not supported. |
CipherStrength |
Read-only |
The maximum encryption strength of the current control. |
ClearTextPassword |
Write-only |
The Remote Desktop ActiveX control password, in plaintext format. |
ColorDepth |
Read/write |
Color depth of the current control. |
Connected |
Read-only |
The connection state of the current control. |
ConnectedStatusText |
Read/write |
Text that is displayed in the client area of the control while the control is in the connected state. |
ConnectingText |
Read/write |
The text that appears centered in the control while the control is connecting. |
DesktopHeight |
Read/write |
The current control's height, in pixels, on the initial remote desktop. |
DesktopWidth |
Read/write |
The current control's width, in pixels, on the initial remote desktop. |
DisconnectedText |
Read/write |
The text that appears centered in the control before a connection is terminated. |
Domain |
Read/write |
The domain to which the current user logs on. |
ExtendedDisconnectReason |
Read-only |
Extended information about the client control's reason for disconnection. |
FullScreen |
Read/write |
Indicates whether the control is in full-screen mode. |
FullScreenTitle |
Write-only |
The window title displayed when the control is in full-screen mode. |
HorizontalScrollBarVisible |
Read-only |
Indicates whether the control has displayed a horizontal scroll bar. |
PortablePassword |
Read/write |
This property is not supported. |
PortableSalt |
Read/write |
This property is not supported. |
SecuredSettings |
Read-only |
A IMsTscSecuredSettings interface pointer. |
SecuredSettings2 |
Read-only |
Pointer to the IMsRdpClientSecuredSettings interface, used to set secured settings for the client control. |
SecuredSettingsEnabled |
Read-only |
Indicates whether the IMsTscSecuredSettings interface is available. |
Server |
Read/write |
The name of the server to which the current control is connected. |
StartConnected |
Read/write |
Indicates whether the control will establish the RD Session Host server connection immediately upon startup. |
UserName |
Read/write |
The user name logon credential. |
Version |
Read-only |
The version number of the current control. |
VerticalScrollBarVisible |
Read-only |
Indicates whether the control displays a vertical scroll bar. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client |
Windows Vista |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2008 |
Type library |
CLSID_MsRdpClient2a is defined as 971127BB-259F-48C2-BD75-5F97A3331551 |