Adding an Attachment Snap-in Extension Node

An attachment snap-in extension must add itself under the Services node when that node is expanded by a user.

When a user expands the Services node under one of the Security Configuration snap-ins, MMC uses IComponentData::Notify and the MMCN_EXPAND notification message to notify the Security Configuration snap-in, plus all its extensions.

The Security Configuration snap-in then extracts its internal format from the lpDataObject, which is passed in from the MMC main framework as type LPDATAOBJECT. It stops processing when it sees the Services node type. The attachment snap-in extension then extracts the node type from the lpDataObject. If the node type is one of the service's defined node types, the attachment snap-in extension inserts its root nodes under the specified parent node.

Note that in this example, ExtractNodeType, is a private function that the extension implements. The extension examines the data object to get the node type. The implementation of ExtractNodeType is not shown.

//  Detect which extension node to expand.
GUID* nodeType = ExtractNodeType(lpdataObject);

if (NULL == nodeType)
  return S_OK;

if (TRUE == ::IsEqualGUID(*nodeType, cNodetypeSceTemplateServices))
  folderType = ATTACHMENT_STATIC;  // defined by attachment writer

else if (TRUE == ::IsEqualGUID
    (*nodeType, cNodetypeSceAnalysisServices))
               // defined by attachment writer

//  Free resources.

//  Add service attachment root node and remember it as the
//  root of the SMB extension namespace.
//  ...