IOleCvt::ToUtf8 method

The ToUtf8 property enables an ASP Web page to translate a string of Unicode characters to the UTF-8 format.


[propget, id(1), helpstring("property ToUtf8")] HRESULT ToUtf8(
  [in]          BSTR bstrUnicode,
  [out, retval] BSTR *pVal


bstrUnicode [in]
Caller-supplied string to be converted to UTF-8 format.

pVal [out, retval]
Caller supplied pointer to a location that will receive the converted string.

Return value

Return code Description
S_OK The operation succeeded.
E_POINTER At least one of the parameters does not point to a valid memory location.

VBScript Example

UTF-8 is an alternative coded-representation form for all of the characters of the UCS (Universal Multibyte Octet-Coded Character Set). It can be used to transmit text data through communication systems which assume that individual octets in the range 0x00 to 0x7F have a definition according to ISO/IEC 4873, including a C0 set of control functions according to the 8-bit structure of ISO/IEC 2022.

In the following example, function Write returns a string converted to UTF-8 format, provided that the global variable bUTF8 is TRUE. Otherwise Write returns the unmodified string.

Function Write (strUnicode)
    If bUTF8 Then
        Write = OleCvt.ToUtf8 (strUnicode)
        Write = strUnicode
    End If
End Function


Target platform: Desktop