Code example for obtaining a Function Instance object

The following code example contains the declaration of a sample class (CWSDDevice) that contains two class members that are relevant to obtaining the current Function Instance object:

  • CWSDDevice::m_pFunctionDiscovery

  • CWSDDevice::m_pFunctionInstance

The code example also shows methods to initialize these members and methods to read device properties from the current Function Instance property store. The CWSDDevice::InitializeConnection method illustrates the procedure that is described in Obtaining a Function Instance Object to obtain the current Function Instance object that represents the current web services scanner device instance.

* Sample CWSDDevice class that encapsulates the device communication interface 

class CWSDDevice



        __in LPCWSTR wszDevicePath);


        __out IPropertyStore **ppPropertyStore);

        __in_opt IPropertyStore *pPropertyStore,
        __in const PROPERTYKEY  *pPropertyKey,
        __out BSTR              *pbstrPropertyValue);


    // Flag indicating successful initialization was performed:
    BOOL m_bInitialized;
    // Function Discovery object
    IFunctionDiscovery *m_pFunctionDiscovery;

    // Function Instance object (which represents the current device instance)
    IFunctionInstance *m_pFunctionInstance;

* CWSDDevice::InitializeConnection
* Initializes the connection to the web services scanner through Function Discovery
* Arguments:
*    wszDevicePath - unique PNPX ID identifier for the WS scanner, 
*                    returned by IStiDeviceControl::GetMyDevicePortName 
* Return Value:
*    S_OK if successful, an error HRESULT otherwise

HRESULT InitializeConnection(
    __in LPCWSTR wszDevicePath)
    HRESULT                           hr                 = S_OK;
    IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery *pfiCollectionQuery = NULL;
    IFunctionInstanceCollection      *pfiCollection      = NULL;
    PROPVARIANT                       PropVar            = {0};

    if (m_bInitialized)
        // Initialization was performed once. Treat this is as a
        // re-initialization request: un-initialize and initialize again:
        hr = UnInitialize();
        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "Failed to re-initialize device interface, hr = 0x%08X", hr));

    if (!wszDevicePath)
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
        WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "Failed to initialize device interface, invalid device path argument, hr = 0x%08X", hr));

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        PropVar.vt = VT_LPWSTR;
        PropVar.pwszVal = (LPWSTR)wszDevicePath;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Create the Function Discovery object
        hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(FunctionDiscovery),

        if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (!m_pFunctionDiscovery))
            hr = E_POINTER;
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "CoCreateInstance(IFunctionDiscovery) returned a NULL m_pFunctionDiscovery, hr = 0x%08X", hr));
        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "CoCreateInstance for IFunctionDiscovery failed, hr = 0x%08X", hr));


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Query the Function Discovery object for a collection of
        // Function Instances that are related to this device path
        hr = m_pFunctionDiscovery->CreateInstanceCollectionQuery(FCTN_CATEGORY_PNP,
        if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (!pfiCollectionQuery))
                "IFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery(%ws) returned a NULL IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery* with hr = 0x%08X", 
                FCTN_CATEGORY_PNP, hr));
            hr = E_POINTER;
        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "IFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08X", FCTN_CATEGORY_PNP, hr));

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Pass in the device path (which contains a PnP-X ID) as a query constraint to the new collection query
        hr = pfiCollectionQuery->AddPropertyConstraint(PKEY_PNPX_ID, &PropVar, QC_EQUALS);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::AddPropertyConstraint(PKEY_PNPX_ID, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08X", 
                wszDevicePath, hr));

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Execute the query to obtain the unique Function Instance object that identifies our device that is described by wszDevicePath
        hr = pfiCollectionQuery->Execute(&pfiCollection);

        if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (!pfiCollection))
            hr = E_POINTER;
                "IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::Execute returned a NULL IFunctionInstanceCollection* for %ws, hr = 0x%08X",
                wszDevicePath, hr));

        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::Execute for DevicePath %ws failed, hr = 0x%08X", 
                wszDevicePath, hr));

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Retrieve the unique Function Instance object that identifies our device
        // Note that after the IFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery constraint 
        // the collection must contain a single element, accessible by pfiCollection->Item(0).
        // Without the query constraint, we must search for the Function Instance that corresponds 
        // to our wszDevicePath in the entire collection, using pfiCollection->Count and pfiCollection->Item...
        // See the IFunctionInstanceCollection interface that is defined in FunctionDiscoveryAPI.idl
        //     interface IFunctionInstanceCollection : IUnknown
        //     {
        //         HRESULT GetCount(
        //             [out, retval] DWORD * pdwCount);
        //         HRESULT Item(
        //             [in] DWORD dwIndex,
        //             [out, retval] IFunctionInstance ** ppFunctionInstance);
        //     };

        hr = pfiCollection->Item(0, &m_pFunctionInstance);

        if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (!m_pFunctionInstance))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "IFunctionInstanceCollection.Item(0) returned a NULL IFunctionInstance* for %ws with hr = 0x%08X", 
                wszDevicePath, hr));
            hr = E_POINTER;

        if (FAILED(hr))
            WIAS_ERROR((g_hInst, "IFunctionInstanceCollection.Item(0) for %ws failed, hr = 0x%08X", wszDevicePath, hr));

    if (pfiCollection)
        pfiCollection = NULL;

    if (pfiCollectionQuery)
        pfiCollectionQuery = NULL;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        WIAS_TRACE((g_hInst, "Device interface successfully initialized", hr));

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        m_bInitialized = TRUE;

    return hr;

* CWSDDevice::UnInitializeConnection
* Uninitializes the connection to the web services scanner device
* through Function Discovery.
* Arguments:
*    none
* Return Value:
*    S_OK if successful, an error HRESULT otherwise

HRESULT CWSDDevice::UnInitializeConnection()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    WIAS_TRACE((g_hInst, "Shutting down the current device connection, if any.."));

    // Release Function Discovery COM interfaces:

    if (m_pFunctionInstance)
        m_pFunctionInstance = NULL;

    if (m_pFunctionDiscovery)
        m_pFunctionDiscovery = NULL;

    m_bInitialized = FALSE;

    return hr;

* CWSDDevice::CWSDDevice
* Constructor for the CWSDDevice class that encapsulates the communication
* interface to the web services-compliant scanner image acquisition device 
* Arguments:
*   None
* Return Value:
*   None

    m_pFunctionDiscovery = NULL;
    m_pFunctionInstance = NULL;

    m_bInitialized = FALSE;


* CWSDDevice::~CWSDDevice
* Destructor for the CWSDDevice class that encapsulates the communication
* interface to the web services-compliant scanner image acquisition device
* Arguments:
*   None
* Return Value:
*   None
