Notification Class

The notification associated with a budget.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


Notification(*, enabled: bool, operator: str | _models.OperatorType, threshold: float, contact_emails: List[str], contact_roles: List[str] | None = None, contact_groups: List[str] | None = None, threshold_type: str | _models.ThresholdType | None = 'Actual', locale: str | _models.CultureCode | None = None, **kwargs)

Keyword-Only Parameters

Name Description

Required. The notification is enabled or not.


Required. The comparison operator. Known values are: "EqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo".


Required. Threshold value associated with a notification. Notification is sent when the cost exceeded the threshold. It is always percent and has to be between 0 and 1000.


Required. Email addresses to send the budget notification to when the threshold is exceeded. Must have at least one contact email or contact group specified at the Subscription or Resource Group scopes. All other scopes must have at least one contact email specified.


Contact roles to send the budget notification to when the threshold is exceeded.


Action groups to send the budget notification to when the threshold is exceeded. Must be provided as a fully qualified Azure resource id. Only supported at Subscription or Resource Group scopes.


The type of threshold. Known values are: "Actual", "Forecasted". Default value: "Actual".

Default value: Actual

Language in which the recipient will receive the notification. Known values are: "en-us", "ja-jp", "zh-cn", "de-de", "es-es", "fr-fr", "it-it", "ko-kr", "pt-br", "ru-ru", "zh-tw", "cs-cz", "pl-pl", "tr-tr", "da-dk", "en-gb", "hu-hu", "nb-no", "nl-nl", "pt-pt", "sv-se".


Name Description

Required. The notification is enabled or not.


Required. The comparison operator. Known values are: "EqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo".


Required. Threshold value associated with a notification. Notification is sent when the cost exceeded the threshold. It is always percent and has to be between 0 and 1000.


Required. Email addresses to send the budget notification to when the threshold is exceeded. Must have at least one contact email or contact group specified at the Subscription or Resource Group scopes. All other scopes must have at least one contact email specified.


Contact roles to send the budget notification to when the threshold is exceeded.


Action groups to send the budget notification to when the threshold is exceeded. Must be provided as a fully qualified Azure resource id. Only supported at Subscription or Resource Group scopes.


The type of threshold. Known values are: "Actual", "Forecasted". Default value: "Actual".


Language in which the recipient will receive the notification. Known values are: "en-us", "ja-jp", "zh-cn", "de-de", "es-es", "fr-fr", "it-it", "ko-kr", "pt-br", "ru-ru", "zh-tw", "cs-cz", "pl-pl", "tr-tr", "da-dk", "en-gb", "hu-hu", "nb-no", "nl-nl", "pt-pt", "sv-se".