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System.ServiceModel Namespace

Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.

Contains the classes, enumerations, and interfaces necessary to build Silverlight client applications that can be used to access distributed applications.


  Class Description
Public class ActionNotSupportedException This exception is thrown on the client when the action related to the invoked operation does not match the action of any operation available in the service.
Public class BasicHttpBinding Represents a binding that a Silverlight 5 client can use to configure endpoints that can communicate with ASMX-based Web services and other services that conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
Public class BasicHttpSecurity Specifies the security used for a Silverlight client configured with a BasicHttpBinding.
Public class CallbackBehaviorAttribute Configures a callback service implementation in a Silverlight client application.
Public class ChannelFactory Creates and manages the channels that are used by clients to send messages to service endpoints.
Public class ChannelFactory<TChannel> A factory that creates channels of different types that are used by clients to send messages to variously configured service endpoints.
Public class ClientBase<TChannel> Provides the base implementation used to create Silverlight 5 client objects (proxies) that can call services.
Protected class ClientBase<TChannel>.ChannelBase<T> This class is used by automatically generated client proxies to call services and should not be used otherwise.
Protected class ClientBase<TChannel>.InvokeAsyncCompletedEventArgs Stores the results from an asynchronous call made by the client.
Public class CommunicationException Represents a communication error in either the service or client application.
Public class CommunicationObjectAbortedException The exception that is thrown when the call is to an ICommunicationObject object that has aborted.
Public class CommunicationObjectFaultedException The exception that is thrown when a call is made to a communication object that has faulted.
Public class DataContractFormatAttribute Instructs the Silverlight 5 infrastructure to use the DataContractSerializer.
Public class DuplexChannelFactory<TChannel> Provides the means to create and manage duplex channels of different types that are used by clients to send and receive messages to and from service endpoints.
Public class DuplexClientBase<TChannel> Provides the base implementation from which Silverlight 5 client objects can call duplex services.
Public class EndpointAddress Provides a unique network address that a client uses to communicate with a service endpoint.
Public class EndpointAddressBuilder A factory for producing new (immutable) endpoint addresses with specific property values.
Public class EndpointNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when a remote endpoint could not be found or reached.
Public class EnvelopeVersion Contains information related to the version of SOAP associated with a message and its exchange.
Public class ExceptionDetail Represents fault detail information.
Public class FaultCode Represents a SOAP fault code.
Public class FaultContractAttribute Specifies one or more SOAP faults that are returned when a service operation encounters processing errors.
Public class FaultException Represents a SOAP fault.
Public class FaultException<TDetail> Used in a client application to catch contractually specified SOAP faults.
Public class FaultReason Provides a text description of a SOAP fault.
Public class FaultReasonText Represents the text of the reason of a SOAP fault.
Public class InstanceContext Represents the context information for a service instance.
Public class InvalidMessageContractException Represents a message contract that is not valid.
Public class MessageBodyMemberAttribute Specifies that a member is serialized as an element inside the SOAP body.
Public class MessageContractAttribute Defines a strongly typed class that corresponds to a SOAP message.
Public class MessageContractMemberAttribute Declares the base members for MessageBodyMemberAttribute and MessageHeaderAttribute.
Public class MessageHeaderException The exception that is thrown when the expectations regarding headers of a SOAP message are not satisfied when the message is processed.
Public class MessageParameterAttribute Controls the name of the request and response parameter names. Cannot be used with Message or message contracts.
Public class OperationContext Provides access to the execution context of a service method.
Public class OperationContextScope Creates a block within which an OperationContext object is in scope.
Public class OperationContractAttribute Indicates that a method defines an operation that is part of a service contract in a Silverlight application.
Public class PollingDuplexHttpBinding Represents a binding that a Silverlight 5 client can use to configure endpoints that can communicate with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services that are similarly configured for duplex communication with a polling client.
Public class PollingDuplexHttpSecurity Specifies the security used for a Silverlight client configured with a PollingDuplexHttpBinding.
Public class ProtocolException The exception seen on the client that is thrown when communication with the remote party is impossible due to mismatched data transfer protocols.
Public class QuotaExceededException The exception that is thrown when a message quota has been exceeded.
Public class ServerTooBusyException The exception that is thrown when a server is too busy to accept a message.
Public class ServiceActivationException The exception that is thrown when a service fails to activate.
Public class ServiceContractAttribute Indicates that an interface or a class defines a service contract in a Silverlight client application.
Public class ServiceKnownTypeAttribute Specifies known types to be used by a service when serializing or deserializing.
Public class UnknownMessageReceivedEventArgs Contains the message received by a channel and cannot be associated with any pending request.
Public class XmlSerializerFormatAttribute Instructs the Silverlight 5 infrastructure to use the XmlSerializer instead of the XmlObjectSerializer to serialize a method or class.


  Interface Description
Public interface IClientChannel Defines the behavior of outbound request and request/reply channels used by client applications.
Public interface ICommunicationObject Defines the contract for the basic state machine for all communication-oriented objects in the system, including channels, the channel managers, factories, listeners, and dispatchers, and service hosts.
Public interface IContextChannel Defines the interface for the context control of a channel.
Public interface IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts Defines the interface for specifying the communication time-outs used by channels and channel managers, such as channel factories.
Public interface IExtensibleObject<T> Enables an object to participate in custom behavior, such as registering for events, or watching state transitions.
Public interface IExtension<T> Enables an object to extend another object through aggregation.
Public interface IExtensionCollection<T> A collection of the IExtension<T> objects that allow for retrieving the IExtension<T> objects by their type.


  Delegate Description
Protected delegate ClientBase<TChannel>.BeginOperationDelegate A delegate that is used by InvokeAsync(BeginOperationDelegate, array<Object[], EndOperationDelegate, SendOrPostCallback, Object) for calling asynchronous operations on the client.
Protected delegate ClientBase<TChannel>.EndOperationDelegate A delegate that is invoked by InvokeAsync(BeginOperationDelegate, array<Object[], EndOperationDelegate, SendOrPostCallback, Object) on successful completion of the call made by InvokeAsync(BeginOperationDelegate, array<Object[], EndOperationDelegate, SendOrPostCallback, Object) to ClientBase<TChannel>.BeginOperationDelegate.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BasicHttpMessageCredentialType Enumerates credential types that the client can authenticate with when security is enabled in the BasicHttpBinding binding.
Public enumeration BasicHttpSecurityMode Specifies the types of security that can be used with the system-provided BasicHttpBinding binding.
Public enumeration CommunicationState Defines the states in which an ICommunicationObject can exist.
Public enumeration OperationFormatStyle Represents the SOAP style that determines how the WSDL metadata for the service is formatted.
Public enumeration PollingDuplexHttpSecurityMode Specifies the types of security that can be used with the system-provided PollingDuplexHttpBinding.
Public enumeration TransferMode Indicates whether a channel uses streamed or buffered modes for the transfer of request and response messages.