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Event ID 8226 — Server for NIS Functionality -- YP Response Service

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Server for NIS is responsible for servicing YP-based Network Information Service (NIS) calls from UNIX-based NIS clients. Server for NIS Functionality -- YP Response Service provides information to help you interpret system messages indicating the operability of the YP response service.

Event Details

Product: Windows Identity Management for UNIX
ID: 8226
Source: Microsoft-Windows-IDMU-ServerForNIS
Version: 6.0
Message: Unable to update map cache.
%1 %2.
Server will return stale data to NIS clients until the next refresh cycle is completed.


An error occured when Server for Network Information Service (NIS) attempted to create an internal map cache of NIS data from Active Directory Domain Services. Map cache creation failures typically occur for one of the following reasons:

  • Incorrect file or directory permissions
  • Insufficient disk space
  • Cannot communicate with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service

Open the error message in Event Viewer to obtain the NIS domain name and the NIS map file on which the error was reported.

Incorrect file or directory permissions

To confirm directory and file permissions:

  1. In the directory %windir%/IdMU/NIS, verify that the SYSTEM user account has full control permissions on the MapCache directory.
  2. In the MapCache directory, open the directory for the NIS domain on which the error was logged.
  3. Verify that the SYSTEM user account has full control permissions on the MapCache directory.
  4. If the SYSTEM user account does not have permissions to modify either the MapCache or NIS domain directories, see the section, "Correct file and directory permissions" for more information.

Insufficient disk space

To check disk space:

  1. Open My Computer and right-click the drive letter on which the Windows® Server 2008 operating system is installed.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. If the drive is nearing capacity (typically, if the drive has 10 percent or less of its total capacity free), perform the steps in the section, "Free disk space."

Cannot communicate with LDAP service

To check LDAP functionality:

  1. Open the Services MMC snap-in (Services.msc) by clicking Start, pointing to Administrative Tools, and then clicking Services.
  2. Verify that the Active Directory Domain Services domain controller service is running.
  3. If the service is not running, perform the steps in section, "Start the Domain Controller service" to start the service.


To resolve this issue, use the resolution that corresponds to the cause you identified in the Diagnose section. After performing the resolution, see the Verify section to confirm that the feature is operating properly



Incorrect file or directory permissions

Correct file and directory permissions

Insufficient disk space

Free disk space

Cannot communicate with LDAP service

Start the Domain Controller service

Correct file and directory permissions

Obtain the NIS domain name and the NIS map file on which the error was reported from the message in Event Viewer.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Open the directory %windir%/IdMU/NIS.
  2. Verify that the SYSTEM user account has full control permissions on the MapCache directory.
  3. Right-click the MapCache directory, and then click Properties.
  4. On the Security tab, in the Group or user names list box, select the SYSTEM user.
  5. In the Permissions for list box, select Full Control, and then click OK.
  6. In the MapCache directory, open the directory for the NIS domain on which the error was logged.
  7. Verify that the SYSTEM user account has full control permissions on the MapCache directory by repeating Steps 3 through 5 on the NIS domain directory.

Restart the operation that resulted in this error to verify that the problem has been solved.

Free disk space

When the computer is low on disk space, Identity Management for UNIX and other programs might not have enough disk space available to write to log files. Identity Management for UNIX also requires free disk space for caching files such as NIS map updates.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Examine the contents of the drive on which you have Windows® Server 2008 installed to find working files and directories that you are no longer using.
  2. Archive files to CDs, DVDs, or tape drive before deleting them.
  3. Permanently delete the files from your hard disk.
  4. Free 400 MB or more of disk space, and then restart the operation that resulted in this error to see if the problem has been solved.

Start the Domain Controller service

Server for NIS was unable to communicate with the LDAP service. Possible causes of this error can be either of the following:

  • The server on which Server for NIS is running is no longer an Active Directory Domain Services domain controller.
  • The LDAP service is not running.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Open the Services MMC snap-in (Services.msc) by clicking Start, pointing to Administrative Tools, and then clicking Services.
  2. Verify that the Active Directory Domain Services domain controller service is running.
    • If the domain controller service does not exist, the computer is probably not a domain controller. Server for NIS can run only on an Active Directory Domain Services domain controller. To promote the computer to a domain controller, see the Active Directory Domain Services Help. Run the dcpromo utility and view the Help available with the dcpromo wizard.
  3. If the service is not running, double-click the service in the results pane.
  4. On the General tab of the Properties dialog box, set Startup type to Automatic.
  5. In the Service status area, click Start, if the service is not running.
  6. Click OK.


Server for NIS YP response functionality can be verified by observing the following.

  • On a UNIX-based NIS client computer, try logging on as an NIS user. If the Windows-based NIS server that is running Server for NIS is functioning properly, logging on should be successful.
  • If none of the following error messages occur in Event Viewer, Server for NIS is operating normally. If any of the following error messages occur in Event Viewer, warning conditions exist that could prevent the Server for NIS YP Response Service from operating normally.
    • IDMU Server for NIS event 8210
    • IDMU Server for NIS event 8226

Server for NIS Functionality -- YP Response Service

Identity Management for UNIX