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Applies To: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2

Value specifies information to associate a Tablet PC monitor to a digitizer.

This setting requires the string values of: DigitizerPattern, AdapterPattern, and MonitorPattern. For information about finding the Device String or Device ID values, see the MSDN® articles: DISPLAY_DEVICE and EnumDisplayDevices.


Some portions of these patterns may change depending on installation order. For best results, only use portions of the string that are unique to the device.

An association is made between the digitizer and monitor if:

  • The DigitizerPattern matches exactly one digitizer.

  • The combination of AdapterPattern and MonitorPattern match exactly one monitor.



Specifies the information to associate the Tablet PC monitor to the digitizer.

DigitizerPattern is a substring that matches the Device Instance Path of the digitizer.

AdapterPattern is a substring that matches a unique pattern from either the DeviceString or DeviceID fields from DISPLAY_DEVICE.

MonitorPattern is a substring that matches a unique pattern from either the DeviceString or DeviceID fields from DISPLAY_DEVICE.

It is not required to match these string values completely. You can provide just the portions of the string that are unique to the device.

This string type does not support empty elements. Do not create an empty value for this setting.

Valid Configuration Passes


Parent Hierarchy

Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Platform-Input-Core| AssociationData| AssociationElement | Value

Applies To

For a list of the supported Windows® editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Platform-Input-Core.

XML Example

The following XML output shows how to configure the AssociationData setting to associate a Tablet PC monitor to three digitizers on the same system.

For the Tablet PC monitor in this example, the DeviceString is "MONITOR\FAB1234B\{12ab34cd56-ef76-ab54-3210fe}", and the DeviceID field is "Generic PnP Monitor". The substring FAB1234B is chosen for Monitor_pattern in the example, though other choices of unique substrings are also possible.


In Windows System Image Manager, you can enter values with quotation marks. In the XML, the quotation marks are replaced with ".

   <AssociationElement wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Monitor1">&quot;hid#VID_1B96&amp;PID_0008&amp;REV_2100&amp;mi_01&amp;col01&quot;=&quot;PCI\\VEN_8086&amp;DEV_4102&amp;SUBSYS_16B510CF|FUJ5812&quot;</AssociationElement>
   <AssociationElement wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Monitor2">&quot;hid#VID_1B96&amp;PID_0008&amp;REV_2100&amp;mi_01&amp;col02&quot;=&quot;PCI\\VEN_8086&amp;DEV_4102&amp;SUBSYS_16B510CF|FUJ5812&quot;</AssociationElement>
   <AssociationElement wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Monitor3">&quot;hid#VID_1B96&amp;PID_0008&amp;REV_2100&amp;mi_01&amp;col03&quot;=&quot;PCI\\VEN_8086&amp;DEV_4102&amp;SUBSYS_16B510CF|FUJ5812&quot;</AssociationElement>

See Also

