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List Projects

These samples list all projects in a controller and print basic information about each project.


// <copyright file="ListProjects.cs" company="Microsoft">
//    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

namespace Samples
    using System;
    using Microsoft.Windows.Kits.Hardware.ObjectModel;
    using Microsoft.Windows.Kits.Hardware.ObjectModel.DBConnection;

    class ListProjects
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string controllerName = args[1];

            // first, connect to the server
            ProjectManager manager = new DatabaseProjectManager(controllerName);

            // list all projects
            Console.WriteLine("Listing all projects");
            foreach (string name in manager.GetProjectNames())
                Console.WriteLine("Project {0}", name);
            // list all projects, and get the basic status of each
            Console.WriteLine("\nGetting all project status");
            foreach (ProjectInfo info in manager.GetProjectInfoList())
                Console.WriteLine("Project {0}", info.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("\t status : {0}", info.Status);
                Console.WriteLine("\t not run: {0}", info.NotRunCount);
                Console.WriteLine("\t passed : {0}", info.PassedCount);
                Console.WriteLine("\t Failed : {0}", info.FailedCount);
                Console.WriteLine("\t Running: {0}", info.RunningCount);

            // list all the tests for each project
            Console.WriteLine("\nGetting all projects and their tests");
            foreach (string name in manager.GetProjectNames())
                Project project = manager.GetProject(name);

                Console.WriteLine("Project name : {0}, status: {1}", project.Name, project.Info.Status);

                foreach (ProductInstance pi in project.GetProductInstances())
                    Console.WriteLine("Product Instance : {0}, Machine Pool : {1}, Platform type : {2}", pi.Name, pi.MachinePool.Name, pi.OSPlatform.Description);

                    foreach (Target target in pi.GetTargets())
                        Console.WriteLine("Target Name : {0}", target.Name);

                        foreach (Test test in target.GetTests())
                            Console.WriteLine("\tTest : {0}, status : {1}", test.Name, test.Status);


Windows PowerShell®

$ObjectModel = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($env:WTTSTDIO + "microsoft.windows.Kits.Hardware.objectmodel.dll")
$ObjectModel = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($env:WTTSTDIO + "microsoft.windows.Kits.Hardware.objectmodel.dbconnection.dll")

$ControllerName = $args[0]

write-Host "Usage: %SystemRoot%\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file ListProjects.ps1 <<ControllerName>>"

# connect to the server
if ($ControllerName -eq $null -OR $ControllerName -eq "")
    write-host "Need to supply the controller Name as a parameter to this script"
    write-host connecting to the controller $ControllerName

$Manager = new-object -typename Microsoft.Windows.Kits.Hardware.ObjectModel.DBConnection.DatabaseProjectManager -Args $ControllerName, DTMJobs
$RootPool = $Manager.GetRootMachinePool();

# first, get a list of all projects
write "All project names on this controller"

# list all projects, and get the basic status of each
$Manager.GetProjectInfoList() | foreach {
    write-host "Name   : " $_.Name
    write-host "`tStatus : " $_.Status
    write-host "`tNotRun : " $_.NotRunCount.ToString()
    write-host "`tPassed : " $_.PassedCount
    write-host "`tFailed : " $_.FailedCount
    write-host "`tRunning: " $_.RunningCount

# list all the tests for each project
$Manager.GetProjectNames() | foreach {
    $Project = $Manager.GetProject($_)

    write-host "Project Name  : " $Project.Name 
    write-host "`tProject Status: " $Project.Info.Status

    # list all the product instances
    $Project.GetProductInstances() | foreach {
        write-host "Product Instance : " $_.Name 
        write-host "`tMachine pool : " $_.MachinePool.Name 
        write-host "`tOS Platform : " $_.OSPlatform.Description

        $_.GetTargetFamilies() | foreach {
            write-host "Target Family : " $_.Family.Name

            # get target data
            $_.GetTargets() | foreach {
                write-host "Target : " $_.Name
                write-host "`tType : " $_.TargetType
                write-host "`tKey   : " $_.Key 
                # there's more information if this is a device type
                $DeviceData =  $_ –AS [Microsoft.Windows.Kits.Hardware.ObjectModel.IDeviceTargetData]
                if ($DeviceData -ne $null)
                    write-host "`tManufacturer : " $DeviceData.Manufacturer
                    write-host "`tVendorId : " $DeviceData.VendorId
                    write-host "`tDeviceClass : " $DeviceData.DeviceClass
                    write-host "`tInBox : " $DeviceData.AllInboxDrivers
                    write-host "`tDriver : "
                    write-host "`tDriverHash : "

                # there's more infomation if this is a system type
                $SystemData = $_ -AS [Microsoft.Windows. Kits.Hardware.ObjectModel.ISystemTargetData]
                if ($SystemData -ne $null)
                    write-host "`tManufacturer : " $SystemData.Manufacturer
                    write-host "`tModel : " $SystemData.Model                    

                # there's more infomation if this is a system type
                $FilterData = $_ -AS [Microsoft.Windows. Kits.Hardware.ObjectModel.IFilterTargetData] 
                if ($FilterData -ne $null)
                    write-host "`tManufacturer : " $FilterData.Manufacturer
                    write-host "`tVersion : " $FilterData.Version                    
                    write-host "`tAllInbox : " $FilterData.AllInboxDrivers                    
                write-host "`tFeatures : " 
                $_.GetFeatures() | foreach { 
                    write-host "`t`t" $_.FullName 

                    $_.GetRequirements() | foreach {
                        write-host "`t`t`tRequirement: " $_.FullName

            # now, list all the tests for this family
            write-host "Tests:"
            $_.GetTests() | foreach {
                write-host "`t" $_.Name -NoNewline
                if ($_.GetTestTargets().Count -ne 1)
                    { write-host " - shared" }
                    { write-host " -  not shared" }



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