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Development Tools Fail to Connect to SQL Server/MSDE


You are installing SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE) and, during installation, you receive an error message that you cannot connect to the database.

In most cases, this error is caused by an incorrect database name or database server name being entered by the user. In rare cases, a corrupt certificate can cause the error.

A similar error can also occur after you have installed the Windows® Embedded Studio for Windows XP Embedded development tools and component database on a single computer, and Target Designer or Component Database Manager failed to connect to SQL Server 2000 or MSDE.

A corrupt certificate on the local computer causes this problem. The corrupt certificate causes the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to reject the certificate as not valid while attempting a connection with the SQL Server 2000.


To resolve this problem, you need to add a new certificate to your development system, and then export and delete the corrupt certificate using Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

  1. To open MMC, choose Start, and then choose Run.

  2. Type mmc in the Open box, and then choose OK.

  3. From the File menu, choose Add/Remove Snap-in.

  4. In the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, choose Add.

  5. In the list of available snap-ins, select Certificates, and then choose Add.

  6. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, select the Computer account button, and then choose Next.

  7. In the Select Computer dialog box, select the Local Computer button, and then choose Finish. Choose Close, and then choose OK.

  8. In the MMC main window, under the Console Root node, expand the Certificates (Local computer) node, and choose Personal.

    If you have any personal certificates on your local computer, the Personal node contains a Certificates folder.

  9. If you have any personal certificates stored on your development system, export and then delete them.

    For information about exporting or deleting a certificate, see the Microsoft Management Console product Help.

See Also

Troubleshooting the Installation

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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