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Library Location Constants

[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of Windows Media Player SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]


This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.


The library location constants are global string variables defined in contentpartner.h. They are used by certain methods of the IWMPContentPartner and IWMPContentPartnerCallback interfaces and by certain methods of the External object. These constants are used to indicate the following types.

  • Library location type: This is the type of library view being displayed by Windows Media Player. For example, the Player might be displaying a view of a particular album (g_szCPAlbumID) or the view of all genres (g_szAllCPGenreIDs).
  • Selected item type: This is the type of item selected in the library view. For example, the user might select a particular album (g_szCPAlbumID) in the view of all albums.
  • List type: This is the type of list being requested from the content partner plug-in. For example, Windows Media Player might ask the plug-in to supply a list of items associated with a particular playlist (g_szCPListID).
  • List item type: The type of individual list item being requested from the content partner plug-in. For example, Windows Media Player might ask the plug-in to supply the list of tracks (g_szCPTrackID) in a particular playlist.

The following table gives the name and value of each constant, and a brief description of the library location or type. In C or C++ code that is compiled with the contentpartner.h header file, you can use either the name or the value of a constant. Using the name is preferable because the compiler will detect misspellings. In script (for example, when calling the methods of the External object), you cannot use the name of a constant; you must use the value.

Name Value Location or type
g_szUnknownLocation UnknownLocation A set of tracks that is neither an album nor a playlist. Windows Media Player also uses this constant in the rare event that it cannot determine a valid location.
g_szRootLocation RootLocation The top node in the library tree-view control
g_szFlyoutMenu FlyoutMenu The current online store's flyout menu
g_szOnlineStore OnlineStore All online stores
g_szCPListID CPListID An individual list
g_szAllCPListIDs AllCPListIDs All lists
g_szCPTrackID CPTrackID An individual track
g_szAllCPTrackIDs AllCPTrackIDs All tracks
g_szCPArtistID CPArtistID An individual artist
g_szAllCPArtistIDs AllCPArtistIDs All artists
g_szCPAlbumID CPAlbumID An individual album
g_szAllCPAlbumIDs AllCPAlbumIDs All albums
g_szCPGenreID CPGenreID An individual genre
g_szAllCPGenreIDs AllCPGenreIDs All genres
g_szCPAlbumSubGenreID CPAlbumSubGenreID An individual subgenre
g_szAllCPAlbumSubGenreIDs AllCPAlbumSubGenreIDs All subgenres
g_szReleaseDateYear ReleaseDateYear An individual year that catalog content was released
g_szAllReleaseDateYears AllReleaseDateYears All years that catalog content was released
g_szCPRadioID CPRadioID An individual radio stream
g_szAllCPRadioIDs AllCPRadioIDs All radio streams
g_szAuthor Author An individual author
g_szAllAuthors AllAuthors All authors
g_szWMParentalRating WMParentalRating An individual parental rating
g_szAllWMParentalRatings AllWMParentalRatings All parental ratings
g_szUserEffectiveRatingStars UserEffectiveRatingStars An individual user rating, measured as a number of stars
g_szAllUserEffectiveRatingStarss AllUserEffectiveRatingStarss All user ratings












