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Retrieving Exactly-Once-Delivery (EOD) Information


Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server Technical Preview, Windows Vista

Several of the new read-only management properties returned by MQMgmtGetInfo provide exactly-once-delivery (EOD) information about transactional messages sent from the computer specified to the destination queue specified. These properties and the equivalent COM properties, which are elements of the MSMQCollection object returned by the MSMQOutgoingQueueManagement.EodGetSendInfo method, include:

Several other read-only management properties returned by MQMgmtGetInfo provide the sequence information for specific messages sent from an outgoing queue in a newly introduced SEQUENCE_INFO structure. The sequence information includes the sequence identifier of the message stream being sent to the destination queue, the sequence number of the message in the stream, and the previous sequence number specified in the message. A message can be delivered only if a message whose sequence number is equal to the previous sequence number specified in the message is present in the destination queue. Each of the equivalent COM properties is an element of the MSMQCollection object returned by the MSMQOutgoingQueueManagement.EodGetSendInfo method. Each such element is, in turn, an "inner" MSMQCollection object that contains the following three elements: SeqID, SeqNo, and PrevNo. These API properties and their COM equivalents include:

PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_EOD_SOURCE_INFO is a read-only management property returned by the MQMgmtGetInfo API function that provides an array of arrays containing information about the transactional messages sent from all source computers to the specified queue on the specified target computer. The elements of the overall array are, in turn, arrays (vectors) containing the following information for all source computers: the format names used to open the queue when the last messages were sent, the GUIDs of the sending queue managers, the last sequence identifiers, the sequence numbers of the last messages sent to the queue by the sending queue managers, the times when the sending queue managers last accessed the queue, and the number of times that the last messages were rejected. The MSMQQueueManagement.EodGetReceiveInfo COM method returns the same information in an array of MSMQCollection objects, with each array element representing a source computer.

See Also

New Features for Windows XP and the Windows 2003 Family