Async.TryCancelled<'T> — Metoda (F#)
Tworzy asynchronicznego obliczeń, który wykonuje funkcję obliczeń określonych.Jeśli obliczenie to zostało anulowane przed zakończeniem następnie obliczeń generowane przez uruchomienie funkcji rekompensaty jest wykonywany.
Ścieżka obszaru nazw/modułu: Microsoft.FSharp.Control
Zgromadzenie: FSharp.Core (w FSharp.Core.dll)
// Signature:
static member TryCancelled : Async<'T> * (OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> Async<'T>
// Usage:
Async.TryCancelled (computation, compensation)
Typ: asynchroniczne<'T>Wejściowy obliczeń asynchronicznego.
Type: OperationCanceledException -> unitFunkcja uruchamiana, jeśli obliczeń jest anulowana.
Wartość zwracana
Asynchroniczne obliczeń, uruchamiana funkcja rekompensaty, jeśli obliczeń wprowadzania zostanie anulowana.
Poniższy kod ilustruje sposób użycia Async.TryCancelled uruchomić odniesie obliczeń.
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
let form = new Form(Text = "Test Form", Width = 400, Height = 400)
let panel1 = new Panel(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)
panel1.DockPadding.All <- 10
let spacing = 5
let startAsyncButton = new Button(Text = "Start", Enabled = true)
let controlHeight = startAsyncButton.Height
let button2 = new Button(Text = "Start Invalid", Top = controlHeight + spacing)
let cancelAsyncButton = new Button(Text = "Cancel",
Top = 2 * (controlHeight + spacing),
Enabled = false)
let updown1 = new System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown(Top = 3 * (controlHeight + spacing),
Value = 20m, Minimum = 0m,
Maximum = 1000000m)
let label1 = new Label (Text = "", Top = 4 * (controlHeight + spacing),
Width = 300, Height = 2 * controlHeight)
let progressBar = new ProgressBar(Top = 6 * (controlHeight + spacing),
Width = 300)
panel1.Controls.AddRange [| startAsyncButton; button2; cancelAsyncButton;
updown1; label1; progressBar; |]
// Recursive isprime function.
let isprime number =
let rec check count =
count > number/2 || (number % count <> 0 && check (count + 1))
check 2
let isprimeBigInt number =
let rec check count =
count > number/2I || (number % count <> 0I && check (count + 1I))
check 2I
let computeNthPrime (number) =
if (number < 1) then
invalidOp <| sprintf "Invalid input for nth prime: %s." (number.ToString())
let mutable count = 0
let mutable num = 1I
let isDone = false
while (count < number) do
num <- num + 1I
if (num < bigint System.Int32.MaxValue) then
while (not (isprime (int num))) do
num <- num + 1I
while (not (isprimeBigInt num)) do
num <- num + 1I
count <- count + 1
let async1 context value =
let asyncTryWith =
async {
let nthPrime = ref 0I
for count in 1 .. value - 1 do
// The cancellation check is implicit and
// cooperative at for!, do!, and so on.
nthPrime := computeNthPrime(count)
// Report progress as a percentage of the total task.
let percentComplete = (int)((float)count /
(float)value * 100.0)
do! Async.SwitchToContext(context)
progressBar.Value <- percentComplete
do! Async.SwitchToThreadPool()
// Handle the case in which the operation succeeds.
do! Async.SwitchToContext(context)
label1.Text <- sprintf "%s" ((!nthPrime).ToString())
| e ->
// Handle the case in which an exception is thrown.
do! Async.SwitchToContext(context)
MessageBox.Show(e.Message) |> ignore
async {
do! Async.TryCancelled(asyncTryWith,
(fun oce ->
// Handle the case in which the user cancels the operation.
context.Post((fun _ ->
label1.Text <- "Canceled"), null)))
context.Post((fun _ ->
updown1.Enabled <- true
startAsyncButton.Enabled <- true
cancelAsyncButton.Enabled <- false),
startAsyncButton.Click.Add(fun args ->
cancelAsyncButton.Enabled <- true
let context = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
Async.Start(async1 context (int updown1.Value)))
button2.Click.Add(fun args ->
let context = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
Async.Start(async1 context (int (-updown1.Value))))
cancelAsyncButton.Click.Add(fun args -> Async.CancelDefaultToken())
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2
Informacje o wersji
F# Core wersji biblioteki
Obsługiwane: 2.0, 4.0, przenośne