Korzystanie z wariancji dla delegatów Func i Action (C# i Visual Basic)
Następujące przykłady przedstawiają sposób korzystania z Kowariancja i kontrawariancja w Func i Action rodzajowy delegatów, aby umożliwić ponowne użycie metody i zapewnić większą elastyczność w kodzie.
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat Kowariancja i kontrawariancja, zobacz Wariancje w delegatach (C# i Visual Basic).
Za pomocą delegatów z parametrami typu kowariantnego
Poniższy przykład ilustruje korzyści Kowariancja wsparcia w rodzajową Func delegatów.FindByTitle Metoda przyjmuje parametr String typu i zwraca obiekt Employee typu.Jednakże można przypisać tę metodę, aby Func<String, Person> delegować (Func(Of String, Person) w języku Visual Basic) ponieważ Employee dziedziczy Person.
' Simple hierarchy of classes.
Public Class Person
End Class
Public Class Employee
Inherits Person
End Class
Class Finder
Public Shared Function FindByTitle(
ByVal title As String) As Employee
' This is a stub for a method that returns
' an employee that has the specified title.
Return New Employee
End Function
Sub Test()
' Create an instance of the delegate without using variance.
Dim findEmployee As Func(Of String, Employee) =
AddressOf FindByTitle
' The delegate expects a method to return Person,
' but you can assign it a method that returns Employee.
Dim findPerson As Func(Of String, Person) =
AddressOf FindByTitle
' You can also assign a delegate
' that returns a more derived type to a delegate
' that returns a less derived type.
findPerson = findEmployee
End Sub
End Class
// Simple hierarchy of classes.
public class Person { }
public class Employee : Person { }
class Program
static Employee FindByTitle(String title)
// This is a stub for a method that returns
// an employee that has the specified title.
return new Employee();
static void Test()
// Create an instance of the delegate without using variance.
Func<String, Employee> findEmployee = FindByTitle;
// The delegate expects a method to return Person,
// but you can assign it a method that returns Employee.
Func<String, Person> findPerson = FindByTitle;
// You can also assign a delegate
// that returns a more derived type
// to a delegate that returns a less derived type.
findPerson = findEmployee;
Za pomocą delegatów z parametrami typu kontrawariantnego
Poniższy przykład ilustruje korzyści kontrawariancja wsparcia w rodzajową Action delegatów.AddToContacts Metoda przyjmuje parametr Person typu.Jednakże można przypisać tę metodę, aby Action<Employee> delegować (Action(Of Employee) w języku Visual Basic) ponieważ Employee dziedziczy Person.
Public Class Person
End Class
Public Class Employee
Inherits Person
End Class
Class AddressBook
Shared Sub AddToContacts(ByVal person As Person)
' This method adds a Person object
' to a contact list.
End Sub
Sub Test()
' Create an instance of the delegate without using variance.
Dim addPersonToContacts As Action(Of Person) =
AddressOf AddToContacts
' The Action delegate expects
' a method that has an Employee parameter,
' but you can assign it a method that has a Person parameter
' because Employee derives from Person.
Dim addEmployeeToContacts As Action(Of Employee) =
AddressOf AddToContacts
' You can also assign a delegate
' that accepts a less derived parameter
' to a delegate that accepts a more derived parameter.
addEmployeeToContacts = addPersonToContacts
End Sub
End Class
public class Person { }
public class Employee : Person { }
class Program
static void AddToContacts(Person person)
// This method adds a Person object
// to a contact list.
static void Test()
// Create an instance of the delegate without using variance.
Action<Person> addPersonToContacts = AddToContacts;
// The Action delegate expects
// a method that has an Employee parameter,
// but you can assign it a method that has a Person parameter
// because Employee derives from Person.
Action<Employee> addEmployeeToContacts = AddToContacts;
// You can also assign a delegate
// that accepts a less derived parameter to a delegate
// that accepts a more derived parameter.
addEmployeeToContacts = addPersonToContacts;