.gif) |
IPersistFileCheckSum |
Calculates the check sum for the file representation of the associated text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsAction |
Defines actions placed in the undo history of a text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsAtomicTextProvider |
Provides methods handling an AtomicText structure. |
.gif) |
IVsAutoOutliningClient |
Contains a method to query whether to wait to de-persist outlining state. |
.gif) |
IVsBufferExtraFiles |
Provides a method to get the list of extra files to process. Used by text manager in check out of multiple files. |
.gif) |
IVsButtonBar |
Provides a set buttons at the bottom of a code window. |
.gif) |
IVsButtonBarClient |
The client for a button bar. |
.gif) |
IVsButtonBarManager |
Manages a set of buttons in a code window. |
.gif) |
IVsCanCoordinatorClipTextSpan |
Provides a method for the language service to tell the buffer coordinator to clip the text span to a valid span in the secondary buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsChangeClusterEvents |
Bracket a series of changes from an undo manager. |
.gif) |
IVsChangeTrackingUndoManager |
Provides undo management for an editor that supports multiple views. |
.gif) |
IVsCodePageSelection |
Provides a method to show the page encoding selection dialog. |
.gif) |
IVsCodeWindow |
Represents a multiple-document interface (MDI) child that contains one or more code views. |
.gif) |
IVsCodeWindow2 |
.gif) |
IVsCodeWindowEvents |
Allows a VSPackage to listen to certain events associated with the view that contains an IVsCodeWindow object. |
.gif) |
IVsCodeWindowEvents2 |
.gif) |
IVsCodeWindowEx |
Provides methods to determine and customize some of the behavior of a code window. |
.gif) |
IVsCodeWindowManager |
Allows adornments, such as drop-down bars, to be added to or removed from a code window. |
.gif) |
IVsColorableItem |
Provides default font colors, font style, and item name information for a custom colorable item. |
.gif) |
IVsColorizer |
Implemented by the language client to assign color attributes to a span of text. |
.gif) |
IVsColorizer2 |
Extends a language service colorizer by allowing the environment to suspend and restart colorization. |
.gif) |
IVsCommandWindowCompletion |
Implemented by the environment on the command window tool window to coordinate statement completion. |
.gif) |
IVsCommitGestureSink |
Indicates that some form of UI commit gesture has occurred. |
.gif) |
IVsCompletionSet |
Provides statement completion capabilities for the language service. |
.gif) |
IVsCompletionSetBuilder |
Provides capabilities for building completion sets for statement completion. |
.gif) |
IVsCompletionSetEx |
Allows a completion set to provide various kinds of customization. |
.gif) |
IVsCompoundAction |
Enables the creation of compound actions. |
.gif) |
IVsCompoundActionEvents |
Provides events for firing when beginning and aborting a compound action. |
.gif) |
IVsCompoundViewChange |
Allows the creation of compound view actions. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedCode |
Implemented by a language to support buffer span mapping. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguage |
Provides simplistic contained language service features. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageCodeSupport |
Provides support for code navigation, event generation, and the like. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageColorizer |
Provides colorization for line fragments. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageFactory |
Provides creation of contained languages. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageHost |
Represents a host for contained languages. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageHost3 |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageHostEvents |
Receives view change notifications from a contained language host. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageProjectNameProvider |
Created by a project to provide the project name used in the creation of the contained language. |
.gif) |
IVsContainedLanguageStaticEventBinding |
Provides support for static event generation. |
.gif) |
IVsDebugName |
Provides methods to get a debug breakpoint name and location. |
.gif) |
IVsDefaultButtonBarImages |
Obtains default Buttonbar images. |
.gif) |
IVsDropdownBar |
Provides control of the drop-down bar at the top of a code window. |
.gif) |
IVsDropdownBarClient |
Describes the contents of the drop-down bar combinations. |
.gif) |
IVsDropdownBarClientEx |
Provides additional drop-down bar client functionality. |
.gif) |
IVsDropdownBarManager |
Manages drop-down bars in code windows. |
.gif) |
IVsDynamicTabProvider |
Provides dynamic tabs for the text view. |
.gif) |
IVsEditorGoBackLocations |
Optionally provides setting a merge-able or non-merge-able go back location. |
.gif) |
Enumerates a collection of BSTRs. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumBufferCoordinatorSpans |
Represents a list of text span mappings between two buffers. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumCodeBlocks |
Represents a list of spans of code blocks. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumDebugName |
Enumerates a collection of debug names. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumExternalErrors |
Represents a list of external errors. |
.gif) |
Enumerates a collection of GUIDs. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumHiddenRegions |
Enumerates existing hidden text sessions. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumIndependentViews |
Enumerates a collection of independent views. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumLayerMarkers |
Enumerates a collection of layer markers. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumLineMarkers |
Enumerates a collection of line markers. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumStreamMarkers |
Enumerates a collection of stream markers. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumSyntheticRegions |
Enumerates a collection of synthetic regions. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumTextBuffers |
Enumerates a collection of test buffers. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumTextSpans |
Enumerates a collection of text spans. |
.gif) |
IVsEnumTextViews |
Enumerates a collection of text views. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansion |
Provides a way to insert code snippets into a text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionClient |
Allows a VSPackage to participate in the code snippet insertion process. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionEnumeration |
Represents a list of code snippets for a particular language service. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionEvents |
Represents a connection point that receives event notifications having to do with code snippets. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionFunction |
Represents an expansion function in a code snippet. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionIntellisenseHost |
Provides Insert Expansion support. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionManager |
Represents the expansion manager, which knows how to find and display lists of code snippets for a particular coding language. |
.gif) |
IVsExpansionSession |
Represents the state of a newly inserted code snippet that is being edited by the user. |
.gif) |
IVsExternalCompletionSet |
Enhances IntelliSense completion set functionality for use in a non-text-view editor. |
.gif) |
IVsFileBackup |
Implemented by components interested in being backed up. |
.gif) |
IVsFileExtensionMappingEvents |
Provides events when file extensions are changed. |
.gif) |
IVsFinalTextChangeCommitEvents |
Notifies clients of the last commit gesture to trigger the event and provides the range of text changed. |
.gif) |
IVsFindCancelDialog |
Use the IVsFindCancelDialog interface to launch a modeless dialog on the background thread that will allow a user to cancel a lengthy background find or find and replace operation. |
.gif) |
IVsFinder |
Finds a text image. |
.gif) |
IVsFindHelper |
Utility for text string matching. |
.gif) |
IVsFindManager |
Represents helper functions for Visual Studio shell find operations. |
.gif) |
IVsFindManager2 |
.gif) |
IVsFindScope |
Defines a custom scope that can be chosen in the Find in Files, Look in combo box. |
.gif) |
IVsFindTarget |
Implements Find and Replace capabilities within your editor. |
.gif) |
IVsFindTarget2 |
Implements Find and Replace capabilities within your editor. |
.gif) |
IVsFormatFilterProvider |
Interface to provide file extension checking for Save As functionality. |
.gif) |
IVsFullTextScanner |
Exposed by text buffers and used by compilers and other components that need immediate access to the entire buffer. Special-purpose interface exposed by text buffers and used by compilers and other components that need immediate access to the entire buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsHiColorItem |
Provides support for returning a full 24-bit color value. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenRegion |
Manages the hidden region. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenRegionEx |
Provides additional methods for IVsHiddenRegion. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenTextClient |
Provides notification of changes to a newly created hidden text session. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenTextClientEx |
Supports client drawing of glyphs. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenTextManager |
Determines whether a hidden text session exists for a given text buffer and creates one if it does not. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenTextSession |
Used to add or enumerate hidden text sessions. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenTextSessionEx |
Provides an Add method for IVsHiddenRegionEx objects. |
.gif) |
IVsHiddenTextSessionEx2 |
Provides additional methods for the IVsHiddenTextSession and IVsHiddenTextSessionEx2 interfaces. |
.gif) |
IVsHighlight |
Used to move a dialog box to reveal a selection or highlight. |
.gif) |
IVsImmediateStatementCompletion |
This interface is implemented by a language service that supports statement completion and other IntelliSense features in the immediate mode of the command window. This mode occurs when the debugger is in break mode. |
.gif) |
IVsImmediateStatementCompletion2 |
This interface is implemented by a language service that supports statement completion and other IntelliSense features in the immediate mode of the command window. This mode occurs when the debugger is in break mode. |
.gif) |
IVsInsertionUI |
Provides methods to get the window handle of and hide the insertion point. |
.gif) |
IVsIntellisenseCompletor |
Used to create and display a completor window |
.gif) |
IVsIntellisenseHost |
Implemented by clients (including IVsTextView) to provide IntelliSense hosting functionality. |
.gif) |
IVsIntellisenseHost_Corrected |
.gif) |
IVsIntellisenseLangTip |
Used to expose method tips. |
.gif) |
IVsIntellisenseOptions |
Provides manipulation of the completor size property. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageBlock |
Determines the span of the current language block. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageClipboardOps |
Customizes copy and paste operations. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageClipboardOpsEx |
Implemented by languages that need to access the underlying text buffer to decide whether to handle clipboard and drag/drop operations. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageContextProvider |
Connects context-sensitive help for a language service that uses the Visual Studio core editor. Hooks up context-sensitive help for a language service that uses the Visual Studio core editor. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageDebugInfo |
Implement to support debugging for your language service. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageDebugInfo2 |
Provides support for exception handlers in a language service. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageDebugInfo3 |
Provides support for binding breakpoints in debugging for a language service. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageDebugInfoRemap |
Allows a language service to remap a pending breakpoint from one location to another. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageDragDropOps |
Implemented for languages that need to enable drag/drop operations based on the location of the drop. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageInfo |
Retrieves information about a programming or markup language, including language name, associated file extension, and colorizer requirements for code editing. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageLineIndent |
Determines the number of "spaces" that should be added to the beginning of the specified line. |
.gif) |
IVsLanguageTextOps |
Provides additional IntelliSense features for the language service. |
.gif) |
IVsLastChangeTimeProvider |
Allows an object to tell clients when its last change occurred. |
.gif) |
IVsLayeredTextView |
Helps a view interact with text layers. |
.gif) |
IVsLifetimeControlledObject |
Instructs undo objects to release references to a designer or buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsLineAttributes |
Provides manipulation of line attributes. |
.gif) |
IVsLinkCapableUndoManager |
Manages implicit linked undo capability by calling methods which advise that focus must be put on the owner of the given undo client. |
.gif) |
IVsLinkedUndoClient |
Indicates that one undo manager is blocking another undo manager from executing a linked action. |
.gif) |
IVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager |
Implements the linked undo stack feature. |
.gif) |
IVsMergeableUIItem |
Manages access to names, description and priority of a UI item. |
.gif) |
IVsMethodData |
Sets method data for the tip window. |
.gif) |
IVsMethodDataEx |
Provides access to the entire text shown for a method in an IntelliSense Parameter Info ToolTip. |
.gif) |
IVsMethodTipWindow |
Provides a method tip window for an item in a language service. |
.gif) |
IVsMethodTipWindow2 |
Provides additional methods for the IVsMethodTipWindow interface. |
.gif) |
IVsMethodTipWindow3 |
Provides additional methods for the IVsMethodTipWindow and IVsMethodTipWindow2 interfaces. |
.gif) |
IVsMouseCursorProvider |
Allows a marker to alter the mouse cursor when it is over its glyph. |
.gif) |
IVsNavigableLocationResolver |
Resolves the location of the specified text. |
.gif) |
IVsOutliningCapableLanguage |
Provides support for the Collapse to Definitions command from the outlining menu. |
.gif) |
IVsOutliningSession |
Adds one or more outline regions to a text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsOverrideTextViewAccessibilityState |
Provides overrides for the default behavior of a text view’s MSAA implementation. |
.gif) |
IVsPackageDefinedTextMarkerType |
Describes how a custom marker type behaves and appears to the user. |
.gif) |
IVsPersistentTextImage |
Represents the image that is persisted and un-persisted. |
.gif) |
IVsPreliminaryTextChangeCommitEvents |
Notifies clients of a commit gesture to trigger a text buffer event, and provides the range of text changed. |
.gif) |
IVsProvideColorableItems |
Informs the code editor about custom colorable items proffered by the language service. |
.gif) |
IVsQueryLineChangeCommit |
Determines if an CCG_CARET_ON_NEW_BUFFER_LINE commit event should be fired. |
.gif) |
IVsQueryUndoManager |
Discovers whether there is a global, linked undo action open. |
.gif) |
IVsQueryUndoUnit |
Queries a linked undo set to determine if an undo action would be aborted. |
.gif) |
IVsReadOnlyViewNotification |
Manages notification of the read-only status of a view. |
.gif) |
IVsRegisterFindScope |
Registers and un-registers a custom scope that can be chosen in the Find in Files, Look In combo box. |
.gif) |
IVsReportExternalErrors |
Used to manage a list of error messages associated with a particular project. |
.gif) |
IVsSetSpanMappingEvents |
Provides event firing during execution of text buffer mapping services. |
.gif) |
IVsShortcutManager |
Contains shortcut manager methods for the text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsSmartTagData |
Represents smart tag content. |
.gif) |
IVsSmartTagTipWindow |
Represents the window in which smart tag content is presented. |
.gif) |
IVsSmartTagTipWindow2 |
Represents additional functionality for the IVsSmartTagTipWindow. |
.gif) |
IVsSplitPane |
Represents the split pane. |
.gif) |
IVsSplitRoot |
Represents the root of the split pane. |
.gif) |
IVsSplitter |
Represents the split pane. |
.gif) |
IVsSyntheticRegion |
Provides methods for management for a synthetic region. |
.gif) |
IVsSyntheticTextClient |
Provides management of the client of a synthetic text region. |
.gif) |
IVsSyntheticTextManager |
Creates a synthetic text session. |
.gif) |
IVsSyntheticTextSession |
Handles the addition of regions and communication with synthetic text sessions. |
.gif) |
IVsTextBuffer |
Acts as the base interface for the VsTextBuffer object and provides general information about the text buffer's properties. Also see IVsTextBufferEx, which adds GetTrackChanges and SetTrackChangesSuppression methods. |
.gif) |
IVsTextBufferCoordinator |
Provides mapping services between two buffers. |
.gif) |
IVsTextBufferDataEvents |
Notifies clients when a text buffer is initialized and when changes are made to text buffer data. |
.gif) |
IVsTextBufferEvents |
Notifies clients when a new language service is associated with a text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextBufferEx |
Adds methods to manage change markers to the IVsTextBuffer interface. |
.gif) |
IVsTextBufferTempInit |
Temporary interface for special initialization. |
.gif) |
IVsTextColorState |
Changes the color state of lines in a text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextEditorPropertyCategoryContainer |
Allows an object to expose a set of text editor properties. |
.gif) |
IVsTextEditorPropertyContainer |
Manages properties of text editors. |
.gif) |
IVsTextFind |
Finds a given block of text in the buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextHidingLayerModule |
Implemented by any layer module that hides text. |
.gif) |
IVsTextImage |
Supports text string matching. |
.gif) |
IVsTextImage2 |
Examines end-of-line (EOL) markers. |
.gif) |
IVsTextImageEvents |
Implemented to notify a client of a text image change. |
.gif) |
IVsTextImageUtilities |
Provides utilities for loading and saving text files and images. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLayer |
Handles layout between a base buffer and a view. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLayer2 |
Adds methods to examine end-of-line markers to the IVsTextLayer interface. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLayerEvents |
Notifies a client that a layer's coordinate mapping is changing. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLayerMarker |
Provides marker object management in an arbitrary layer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLineMarker |
Provides access to and manipulates the positioning of a text marker within a buffer. This interface has methods to retrieve or change two-dimensional coordinates. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLineMarkerEx |
Provides client data management for the text line marker. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLines |
Provides read and write access to the text buffer using two-dimensional coordinates. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLines2 |
Adds methods to examine end-of-line markers to the IVsTextLines interface. |
.gif) |
IVsTextLinesEvents |
Notifies clients of changes to the underlying text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMacroHelper |
Generates macro recording code. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManager |
Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManager2 |
Provides additional methods to the IVsTextManager interface. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManager3 |
Provides additional methods for active text view information services of IVsTextManager. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManager4 |
.gif) |
IVsTextManagerEvents |
Informs users about changes in the text manager. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManagerEvents2 |
Informs the user about changes in the text manager. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManagerEvents3 |
Informs the user about changes in the text manager. |
.gif) |
IVsTextManagerEvents4 |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarker |
Provides methods for managing text markers. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerClient |
Provides callbacks to the Visual Studio environment and other processes used to manipulate a text marker. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerClientAdvanced |
Extends the functionality available through the IVsTextMarkerClient interface by providing additional callbacks. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerClientEx |
Extends the functionality available through the IVsTextMarkerClient interface by providing additional callbacks. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerColorSet |
Allows a marker type to determine whether other marker types share the same color set. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerContextProvider |
Provides context for text markers in the core editor. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerGlyphDropHandler |
A handler provided for markers whose glyphs (an icon indicating the position of a marker) support drag and drop. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerType |
Provides a uniform mechanism for obtaining information about a given text marker type, whether predefined by the editor or registered by a package. |
.gif) |
IVsTextMarkerTypeProvider |
Returns an IVsPackageDefinedTextMarkerType interface from a service providing a text markers other packages. |
.gif) |
IVsTextReplaceEvents |
Manages notification that a change in text about to occur. |
.gif) |
IVsTextScanner |
A special-purpose interface exposed by text buffers and used to provide fast, stream-oriented, sequential access to the text in the buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextSelectionAction |
Provides methods for managing text selection. |
.gif) |
IVsTextSpanSet |
Utility for text string matching. |
.gif) |
IVsTextStorage |
Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views. |
.gif) |
IVsTextStorage2 |
Adds methods to examine end-of-line markers to the IVsTextStorage interface. |
.gif) |
IVsTextStorageColorState |
Provides line color state for colorizers. |
.gif) |
IVsTextStream |
Provides reading and writing capabilities using one-dimensional coordinates. |
.gif) |
IVsTextStreamEvents |
Notifies clients of changes to the underlying text buffer. |
.gif) |
IVsTextStreamMarker |
Provides access to and manipulates the position of a text marker in the text buffer. This interface has methods to retrieve of change one-dimensional, streaming coordinates. |
.gif) |
IVsTextTipData |
Provides methods for managing text tip data. |
.gif) |
IVsTextTipWindow |
Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor. |
.gif) |
IVsTextTipWindow2 |
Provides additional methods for the IVsTextTipWindow interface. |
.gif) |
IVsTextTrackingPoint |
Establishes and maintains an internal tracking point. |
.gif) |
IVsTextView |
Manages the text view of an editor window and contains methods to manage the text view. The view is essentially the editor window shown in the user interface (UI). |
.gif) |
IVsTextView3 |
Contains methods to manage the text view. |
.gif) |
IVsTextViewEvents |
Notifier of events occurring on the text view object. |
.gif) |
IVsTextViewEx |
Adds functionality beyond IVsTextView. |
.gif) |
IVsTextViewFilter |
Allows further modification of the text view. |
.gif) |
IVsTextViewIntellisenseHost |
Core editor provided intellisense host for standard editor views. |
.gif) |
IVsTextViewIntellisenseHost_Corrected |
.gif) |
IVsTextViewIntellisenseHostProvider |
Provides an IntelliSense host for the text view. |
.gif) |
IVsThreadSafeTextView |
This is a thread-safe subset of IVsTextView. |
.gif) |
IVsTipWindow |
Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor. |
.gif) |
IVsUndoRedoClusterWithCommitEvents |
Provides event handling for undo or redo cluster closure. |
.gif) |
IVsUndoTrackingEvents |
An IOleUndoManager client can expose this interface to be informed when the undo stack has returned to an unmodified state (that is, no data-changing modifications exist) by the undo manager. |
.gif) |
IVsUndoUnit |
Determines if the undo unit applies to UI items only. |
.gif) |
IVsUserData |
Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties). |
.gif) |
IVsUserDataEvents |
Notifies clients of changes to the user data. |
.gif) |
IVsViewRangeClient |
Provides management of the view range. |
.gif) |
IVsWebFormDesignerSupport |
Infrastructure. Implemented by project to provide single-file web form support. |
.gif) |
SVsCodeWindow |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCodeWindow. |
.gif) |
SVsCodeWindowManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCodeWindowManager. |
.gif) |
SVsFindManager |
The service that provides an IVsFindManager, which provides search functions for Visual Studio. |
.gif) |
SVsLanguageFilter |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTextViewFilter. |
.gif) |
SVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager. |
.gif) |
SVsRegisterFindScope |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsRegisterFindScope interface. |
.gif) |
SVsTextImageUtilities |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsTextImageUtilities interface. |
.gif) |
SVsTextManager |
Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTextManager and IVsHiddenTextManager. |
.gif) |
SVsTextSpanSet |
Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVsTextSpanSet interface. |
.gif) |
VsCodeWindow |
Allows manipulation of a code window. |
.gif) |
VsDefaultButtonBarImages |
Obtains default Buttonbar images. |
.gif) |
VsDiffLayer |
Coclass definition. |
.gif) |
VsDropdownBar |
Provides control of the drop-down bar at the top of a code window. |
.gif) |
VsExpansionManager |
Represents the VsExpansionManager coclass. |
.gif) |
VsExpansionPackage |
Represents the expansion manager, which knows how to find and display lists of code snippets for a particular coding language. |
.gif) |
VsFinder |
Finds a text image. |
.gif) |
VsHiddenTextLayer |
Adds or enumerates hidden text sessions. |
.gif) |
VsIntellisenseCompletor |
Used to create and display a completor window. |
.gif) |
VsIntellisenseLangTip |
Used to expose method tips. |
.gif) |
VsLocalUserData |
Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties). |
.gif) |
VsMethodTipWindow |
Provides a method tip window for an item in a language service. |
.gif) |
VsSmartTagTipWindow |
Controls interaction with a tip window. |
.gif) |
VsSplitRoot |
Represents the root of the split pane. |
.gif) |
VsSyntheticTextLayer |
Handles the addition of and communication with synthetic text sessions. |
.gif) |
VsTextBuffer |
Acts as the base interface for the VsTextBuffer object and provides general information about the text buffer's properties. Provides read and write access to the text buffer using two-dimensional coordinates. |
.gif) |
VsTextBufferCoordinator |
Provides mapping services between two buffers. See IVsTextBufferCoordinator. |
.gif) |
VsTextImage |
Represents the image that is persisted and unpersisted. Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views. |
.gif) |
VsTextLineStorage |
Represents the image that is persisted and unpersisted. Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views. See IVsPersistentTextImage and IVsTextStorage. |
.gif) |
VsTextManager |
Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views. See IVsTextManager. |
.gif) |
VsTextPackage |
Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views. See IVsTextManager. |
.gif) |
VsTextSpanSet |
Utility for text string matching. See IVsTextSpanSet. |
.gif) |
VsTextTipWindow |
Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor. See IVsTextTipWindow. |
.gif) |
VsTextView |
Manages the text view of an editor window. Contains methods to manage the text view. The view is essentially the editor window shown in the UI. See IVsTextView. |
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VsUndoPackage |
Implements the linked undo stack feature. See IVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager. |
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VsUndoUnit |
Determines if the undo unit applies to UI items only. See IVsUndoUnit. |
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VsUserData |
Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties). See IVsUserData. |