Właściwość ToolBoxTab2.ToolBoxItems —
Zwraca kolekcję ToolBoxItems związane z ToolBoxTab.
Przestrzeń nazw: EnvDTE80
Zestaw: EnvDTE80 (w EnvDTE80.dll)
ReadOnly Property ToolBoxItems As ToolBoxItems
ToolBoxItems ToolBoxItems { get; }
property ToolBoxItems^ ToolBoxItems {
ToolBoxItems^ get ();
abstract ToolBoxItems : ToolBoxItems
function get ToolBoxItems () : ToolBoxItems
Wartość właściwości
Typ: EnvDTE.ToolBoxItems
A ToolBoxItems kolekcji.
A ToolBoxTab może zawierać jeden lub więcej ToolBoxItem obiektów.
Sub ToolBoxAddExample()
' This adds a Text item to the first tab of the Toolbox.
' Define the variables and create an object reference to the IDE's
' ToolBox object.
Dim win As Window = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindToolbox)
Dim tlbox As ToolBox = win.Object
Dim tbxTabs As ToolBoxTabs
' Create an object reference to the ToolBoxTabs object.
tbxTabs = tlbox.ToolBoxTabs
' Add a new Text item to the first tab in the Toolbox.
tbxTabs.Item(1).ToolBoxItems.Add("New Text Item", "Some text to _
add to the document.", vsToolBoxItemFormat.vsToolBoxItemFormatText)
End Sub
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