Właściwość Command.Guid —
Pobiera identyfikator GUID dla danego obiektu.
Przestrzeń nazw: EnvDTE
Zestaw: EnvDTE (w EnvDTE.dll)
ReadOnly Property Guid As String
string Guid { get; }
property String^ Guid {
String^ get ();
abstract Guid : string
function get Guid () : String
Wartość właściwości
Typ: System.String
Wartość typu Ciąg reprezentującą identyfikator GUID służący do reprezentowania polecenie grupy poleceń.
Sub GuidExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)
' Create a new text document.
Dim win As Window = dte.ItemOperations.NewFile()
Dim textWin As TextWindow = CType(win.Object, TextWindow)
' Split the text document window.
Dim cmd As Command = dte.Commands.Item("Window.Split")
dte.Commands.Raise(cmd.Guid, cmd.ID, Nothing, Nothing)
If MsgBox("Activate the top pane?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = _
MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
' In a split window, the top pane is always at index 2 of the
' Panes collection.
End If
End Sub
public void GuidExample(DTE2 dte)
// Create a new text document.
Window win = dte.ItemOperations.NewFile(@"General\Text File", "",
TextWindow textWin = (TextWindow)win.Object;
// Split the text document window.
Command cmd = dte.Commands.Item("Window.Split", -1);
object dummy = new object();
dte.Commands.Raise(cmd.Guid, cmd.ID, ref dummy, ref dummy);
if (MessageBox.Show("Activate the top pane?", "",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
// In a split window, the top pane is always at index 2 of the
// Panes collection.
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