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_set_purecall_handler, _set_purecall_handler_m

Sets the handler for a pure virtual function call.

_purecall_handler _set_purecall_handler( 
   _purecall_handler function
_purecall_handler _set_purecall_handler_m( 


  • function
    The function to be called when a pure virtual function is called. A _purecall_handler or _purecall_handler_m function should have a void return type.

Return Value

The previous _purecall_handler. Returns NULL if there was no previous handler.


Use _set_purecall_handler if you want to catch pure virtual functions and report them to the user in a specific way or catch them for debugging purposes.

Because there is one _purecall_handler for the whole process, calling this function immediately impacts all threads. The last caller on any thread sets the handler.

There is a single _set_purecall_handler handler for all dynamically linked DLLs or executables; even if you call _set_purecall_handler your handler may be replaced by another or that you are replacing a handler set by another DLL or executable.

To restore default behavior, call _set_purecall_handler with aNULL argument.

The _set_purecall_handler_m version of the function is for mixed mode CRT.



Required header




For more compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


// _set_purecall_handler.cpp
// compile with: /W1
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

class CDerived;
class CBase
   CBase(CDerived *derived): m_pDerived(derived) {};
   virtual void function(void) = 0;

   CDerived * m_pDerived;

class CDerived : public CBase
   CDerived() : CBase(this) {};   // C4355
   virtual void function(void) {};

   m_pDerived -> function();

void myPurecallHandler(void)
   printf("In _purecall_handler.");

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
   CDerived myDerived;
In _purecall_handler.

.NET Framework Equivalent

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

See Also


Error Handling (CRT)
