How to: Use ToolTips in ToolStrip Controls
You can display a ToolTip for the ToolStrip control you want by setting the control's ShowItemToolTips property to true.
To display a ToolTip
Set the ShowItemToolTips property of the control to true.
The default value of ToolStrip.ShowItemToolTips is true, and the default value of MenuStrip.ShowItemToolTips and StatusStrip.ShowItemToolTips is false.
To use the ToolTipText property for the ToolTip text of a ToolStripButton
Set the ShowItemToolTips property of the button to true.
Set the ToolStripButton.AutoToolTip property of the button to false.
The AutoToolTip property is true by default for ToolStripButton, ToolStripDropDownButton, and ToolStripSplitButton.
A ToolStripButton uses its Text property for the ToolTip text by default. Use this procedure to display custom text in a ToolStripButton ToolTip.
If you set ToolStripItemDisplayStyle to None or Image, no text will appear on the button, but the tool tip still appears.