Reconcile Command
You can use the Reconcile command to reconcile the changes in your local workspace with the changes that are checked into version control when a gated check-in build completes successfully. You can also use this command to display the gated check-ins that are submitted from your local workspace.
For more information about gated check-ins, see Check in Pending Changes (Team Explorer Everywhere) and Check In Pending Changes that Are Controlled by a Gated Check-in Build (Team Explorer Everywhere).
tf reconcile [-teamProject: Value]
tf reconcile –buildName: Value [-teamProject:Value] [-recursive] [ItemSpec…]
tf reconcile –changeset: Value [-recursive] [ItemSpec…]
tf reconcile –forgetBuild: BuildName [-teamProject:Value]
Parameters |
Description |
-teamProject |
Specifies the name of the team project in which the gated check-ins are committed. |
-buildName |
Specifies the name of the gated check-in build with which you want to reconcile your local workspace. |
-recursive |
Reconciles all items that match the itemspec in the current directory and in all its subfolders. |
-changeset |
Specifies the name of the changeset with which you want to reconcile your local workspace. |
-forgetBuild |
Removes the gated check-in build that you specified from the list of gated check-ins that are submitted from your local workspace. |
itemspec |
Identifies the local files or folders that you want to reconcile with the changes that are checked into version control. |
If you run this command with no parameters, it will display all the gated check-ins that were submitted from your local computer.
You can use wildcard characters to specify the buildName, forgetBuild, and teamProject options.
The following example displays a list of gated check-ins that were submitted from the local workspace “Workspace1” to the team project “Project1” regardless of build status.
tf reconcile –teamProject:”Project1” –workspace:”Workspace1”
The following example removes the gated check-in build “GatedBuild.1” from the list of builds that were submitted from your local workspace “Workspace1” to the team project “Project1”. The server information will not change.
tf reconcile -forgetBuild:”GatedBuild.1” –teamProject:”Project1” –workspace:”Workspace1”
The following example reconciles the changes in the local file “c:\file1” with the changes that are checked into “Project 1” when the related build “GatedBuild.1” succeeds.
tf reconcile –buildName:”GatedBuild.1” –teamProject:”Project1””c:\file1”
The following example reconciles the changes in your local workspace “Workspace1” with the changes that are checked into “Project1” when the related build “GatedBuild.1” succeeds.
tf reconcile –buildName:”GatedBuild.1” –teamProject:”Project1” –workspace:”Workspace1”
The following example reconciles the changes in “Workspace1” with changeset 1 in “Project1” when the related build “GatedBuild.1” succeeds.
tf reconcile –changeset:1 –teamProject:”Project1” workspace:”Workspace1”