How to: Edit a Test Run Configuration File
You can change many of the settings that are stored in your test run configuration files by using the test run configuration editor. This is the recommended way to make such changes, and you should use it for all settings to which the test run configuration editor gives access. You can see which settings these are by opening the test run configuration editor. For more information about how to use the test run configuration editor, see How to: Specify a Test Run Configuration.
Alternatively, you can change the configuration of your test runs by directly editing the XML of the test run configuration file. This is described in the following procedures:
Open the Test Run Configuration File
Edit the Test Run Configuration File
If your solution contains more than one test run configuration file, you must choose which one to edit. For example, to change your current run settings, edit the active test run configuration file. To know which test run configuration is active, in Visual Studio, click the Test menu and point to Select Active Test Run Configuration menu. In the submenu that is displayed, the active test run configuration is indicated with a check mark. For more information, see How to: Apply a Test Run Configuration.
Open the Test Run Configuration File
To open the test run configuration file
In Solution Explorer, right-click the test run configuration file and then click Open With.
Test run configuration files have the extension .testrunconfig.
The Open With <file name> dialog box is displayed.
Choose a program to open the file, such as XML Editor, and then click OK.
The test run configuration file opens in the program you chose.
Edit the Test Run Configuration File
To edit the test run configuration file
Within the test run configuration file, locate the XML element that contains the configuration setting you want to change.
Change the value and then save and exit the test run configuration file.
For information about the structure of the test run configuration XML file, and examples of values you can change, see Editing a Test Run Configuration XML File.
See Also
How to: Specify a Test Run Configuration
How to: Apply a Test Run Configuration