Subreport Properties - Visibility Tab (Visual Studio Report Designer)
Use the Visibility tab of the Subreport Properties dialog box to define visibility options for the subreport.
- Initial visibility
Select an option to indicate how the subreport is initially displayed on the report.
- Visible
Choose this option to show the subreport.
- Hidden
Choose this option to hide the subreport.
Choose this option to vary the initial visibility using an expression.Type an expression that evaluates to a Boolean: True to hide the item and False to show the item. Click the expression (fx) button to edit the expression.
- Visibility can be toggled by another report item
Choose this option to indicate that another report item can change the visibility of the subreport.
- Report item
Type or select the name of the report item that the user can click to change the visibility of the current subreport. The report item must be a text box in the same grouping or containing grouping as the current subreport.
See Also
Subreport Properties Dialog Box - General Tab (Visual Studio Report Designer)
Adding Interactivity, Visibility, and Navigation to a Report (Visual Studio Report Designer)
Using Expressions in a Report (Visual Studio Report Designer)
ReportViewer Controls (Visual Studio)
ReportViewer Web Server and Windows Forms Controls