How to: Choose Sampling Events
A sample event is used to collect performance data at the specified interval. The following sample events are available:
Clock cycles - for CPU bound problems
Page faults - for memory related problems
System calls - for I/O related problems
Performance counter - for low-level performance problems
To select a sample event
In Performance Explorer, right-click the performance session, and then click Properties.
In the Property Pages, click the Sampling properties.
From the Sample event drop-down list, select the sample event you want to use for profiling your application.
The Available performance counters are enabled only if you select Performance counter from the Sample event drop-down list.
If you select Performance counter, select a specific counter from the Available performance counters tree view control.
When you select a sample event, a default sampling interval value is displayed in the Sampling interval text box. If necessary, you can enter the value that you want in the text box.
See Also
How to: Choose Collection Methods
CPU and Windows Counters in Profiling Tools
Understanding Sampling Data Values in Profiling Tools