VCBscMakeTool Members
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The VCBscMakeTool object contains properties that allow you to programmatically manipulate the settings on the properties in the Browse Information folder, which is in the Configuration Properties folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. See Modifying Project Settings for information about accessing a project's Property Pages dialog box.
The VCBscMakeTool type exposes the following members.
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Specifies options to add to the end of the command line immediately before the file name(s).
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Overrides the default output file name. The default is based on the first .lib or .obj name on the command line. It exposes the functionality of the BSCMake tool's BSCMAKE Options option.
Suppress the display of the startup banner and information messages. Exposes the functionality of the linker's /NOLOGO (Suppress Startup Banner) (Linker) option, the librarian's Running LIB option, the compiler's /nologo (Suppress Startup Banner) (C/C+) option, the BSCMake tool's /NOLOGO option, the MIDL compiler's MIDL Property Pages: General option, and the /nologo option of VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool.
Gets the name of the kind of tool
Gets the name of the specified tool.
Gets the path to the specified tool.
Gets a pointer to the project engine.