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Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction Namespace

Provides types for implementing the user interface (UI) for a control's custom design time.

The Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction namespace provides classes for creating custom context menu items, adorners, and user gestures. Derive from PrimarySelectionAdornerProvider to implement an adorner provider for the selected element on the design surface. Derive from PrimarySelectionContextMenuProvider to implement a MenuGroup for a context menu. Derive from the Task class to implement gestures like drag-and-drop.


  Class Description
Public class Adapter Used to adapt logic for a particular item.
Public class AdornerColors Provides a set of common brushes that can be used on adorners.
Public class AdornerCoordinateSpace Defines a 2D coordinate space for use in AdornerPanel.
Public class AdornerCoordinateSpaces Defines the two common coordinate spaces used in the designer.
Public class AdornerFonts Provides a set of common brushes that can be used on adorners.
Public class AdornerLayout Performs the layout of an adorner on the DesignerView.
Public class AdornerOrder Specifies the z-order of adorners in Design view.
Public class AdornerPanel Provides a container for Windows Presentation foundation (WPF) controls, which are used at design time as adorners.
Public class AdornerPlacementCollection Enables precise placement of adorners within an AdornerPanel.
Public class AdornerProperties Defines a set of attached properties for a UI element to enable adorner appearance and behavior.
Public class AdornerProvider A feature provider that you can add to a class to automatically add adorners to the designer surface.
Public class AdornerResources Used to define a set of resources that can be used in XAML.
Public class CanExecuteToolEventArgs Provides data for the CanExecute event.
Public class CommandExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the CommandException event defined on the DesignerView class.
Public class ContextMenuProvider Defines a set of menu items that are shown in a context menu.
Public class CreationCommands Represents a set of static command definitions for tool creation commands.
Public class CreationTool A tool that is used to create new instances of objects on the designer.
Public class CreationToolAttribute Identifies the creation tool that should be used to create an instance of a specified type.
Public class CurrentDesignerView A context item that is used to store and report the current designer view that is being used in the editing context.
Public class DesignerCommands Represents commands associated with a designer.
Public class DesignerView Provides a visual design surface for the designer.
Public class DragGestureData Provides additional information during a drag-and-drop operation.
Public class ElementAlignment Provides a container for element alignment settings in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer for Visual Studio.
Public class ExecutedToolEventArgs Provides data for the Executed event.
Public class FocusedTask Contains the task that currently has the focus in a tool.
Public class GestureData Provides information about a gesture.
Public class MatchGestureEventArgs Provides data for the MatchGesture event.
Public class MenuAction A context menu item which represents an action to take in the designer.
Public class MenuActionEventArgs Provides data for MenuAction events.
Public class MenuBase Provides a base class for both actions and groups.
Public class MenuGroup Represents a group of menu items.
Public class MouseGestureData Provides information about the mouse position.
Public class ParentAdapter Provides an extension point for any type that can be a parent of child objects.
Public class PlacementAdapter An adapter that is used to get and set positions of objects in parent coordinates.
Public class PrimarySelectionAdornerProvider Offers a set of adorners that are shown for the primary selection.
Public class PrimarySelectionContextMenuProvider Offers a set of MenuGroup items that are shown for the current selection.
Public class PrimarySelectionTaskProvider Provides a set of tasks that are available from the selection tool when a class is in the primary selection.
Public class RelativePosition Represents a position on the designer that remains independent of coordinate systems.
Public class RelativePositions Represents a set of static instances of common RelativePositions objects.
Public class RelativeValueCollection Represents a collection of values that describe the placement of an item within a panel or container on the designer surface.
Public class RootPlacementAdapter Provides placement support for any element that does not have a parent.
Public class Selection Represents a set of objects selected by a user in a designer.
Public class SelectionCommands Provides standard commands that control the selection of objects in a designer.
Public class SelectionOperations Provides standard operations that control the programmatic selection of objects in a designer.
Public class SelectionTool Represents a tool that selects objects in a designer, such as a mouse pointer.
Public class Task Represents a collection of commands and input bindings to those commands.
Public class TaskProvider A feature provider that you can add to a class to automatically add tasks to the active tool.
Public class Tool Represents a tool that determines the mode of the designer.
Public class ToolActionEventArgs Provides data for ToolAction events.
Public class ToolCommand Acts as a command identifier and as a unified way of invoking a particular command.
Public class ToolCommandBinding Acts as a bridge between a command and an event handler which implements it.
Public class ToolCommandBindingCollection Represents a collection of tool command bindings.
Public class ToolGesture Represents a tool interaction with the mouse.
Public class WheelGestureData Provides gesture data about the mouse wheel.


  Structure Description
Public structure AdornerPlacementValue Represents a single value in an AdornerPlacementCollection.
Public structure RelativePoint Defines a point that consists of an X and Y location and a RelativePosition class that defines the relationship of those coordinates to some other object.
Public structure RelativeValue Represents a coordinate on the designer.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAdornerPlacement Specifies a placement term for an AdornerPlacementCollection.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate CanExecuteToolEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the CanExecute events for tool commands.
Public delegate ExecutedToolEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Executed events for tool commands.
Public delegate LoadResourcesCallback Used when a resource for the specified key must be located.
Public delegate ModelHitTestFilterCallback A callback delegate that can be assigned to the ModelFilter property of a transacted task.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AdornerPlacementDimension An enumeration that defines the dimension that should be applied to an AdornerPlacementValue structure.
Public enumeration AdornerStretch An enumeration used to identify how the particular dimension (X or Y) of an adorner behaves when Design view is scaled.
Public enumeration NudgeIntent An enumeration that indicates the method a PlacementAdapter uses to move controls during keyboard nudges.
Public enumeration PlacementIntent An enumeration that indicates the method a PlacementAdapter uses to place controls.
Public enumeration ToolAction Represents a user gesture.