Visual Studio SDK Reference
This section links you to reference information about various aspects of VSPackage development.
In This Section
Visual Studio Platform Reference
Contains useful types that wrap the Visual Studio shell interfaces.Managed Package Framework Reference
Contains the managed package framework (MPF) types.SDM Reference
Covers the System Definition Model.Team Edition For Testers Reference
Contains types that are useful for creating tests.IntellisenseHostFlags enumeration
Specifies IntelliSense host flags.Command Table Format Reference
Describes the contents of a command table configuration (.ctc) file.VSCT XML Schema Reference
Provides a table of Command Table Compiler schema elements, with allowed child elements and attributes for each.GUIDs and Constants in the Visual Studio SDK
Gives a list of GUIDs used throughout the SDK.COM Constants and Macros in Managed Code
Gives a list of identifiers for user interface elements used throughout the Environment SDK.Source Control Plug-ins
Links to topics for the Source Control Plug-in API.Command-Line Switches (Visual Studio SDK)
Links to topics that discuss how developers can automate several tasks from the command line.Error Handling and Return Values
Explains the error architecture for VSPackages, which is the same as that employed in other Windows programming.Babel Icons
Gives a list of the icons available for use in Babel.Objects
Gives a list of the objects that are used in the environment.Visual Studio SDK Glossary
Gives a list of helpful terms and their definitions for use when you are reading the Visual Studio SDK documentation.
Related Sections
- Visual Studio Software Development Kit (SDK)
The Visual Studio SDK includes documentation, samples, and code to help you develop products that integrate with the Visual Studio product family.