How to: Access the Built-in Fonts and Color Scheme
The Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) has a scheme of fonts and colors that is associated with the editor window. You can access this scheme through the IVsTextView interface.
To use the built-in fonts and colors scheme, a VSPackage must:
Define a category to use with the default fonts and colors service.
Register the category with the default fonts and colors server.
Advise the IDE that a specific window uses the built-in display items and categories by using the T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextEditorPropertyCategoryContainer and T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextEditorPropertyContainer interfaces.
The IDE uses the resulting category as a handle to the window. The category's name is displayed in the Show settings for: drop-down box in the Fonts and Colors property page.
To define a category using built-in fonts and colors
Create an arbitrary GUID.
This GUID is used to uniquely identify a category**.** This category reuses the IDE's default fonts and colors specification. For more information, see GUIDGEN Sample: Generates Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs).
When retrieving font and color data with the IVsFontAndColorEvents or other interfaces, VSPackages use this GUID to reference built-in information.
The category's name must be added to a string table inside the VSPackage's resources (.rc) file, so that it can be localized as needed when displayed in the IDE.
For more information, see Adding or Deleting a String.
To register a category using built-in fonts and colors
Construct a special type of category registry entry in the following location:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \Visual Studio\<Visual Studio version>\FontAndColors\<Category>]
<Category> is the non-localized name of the category.
Populate the registry to use the stock fonts and color scheme with four values:
An arbitrary GUID that identifies a category that contains the stock font and color scheme.
This GUID is used by all VSPackages that use the default font and color configurations.
The resource ID of a localizable category name in the VSPackage.
The GUID of the VSPackage implementing the IVsTextView interface.
To initiate the use of system-provided fonts and colors
Create an instance of the T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextEditorPropertyCategoryContainer interface as part of the window's implementation and initialization.
Call the GetPropertyCategory method to obtain an instance of the T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextEditorPropertyContainer interface corresponding to the current IVsTextView instance.
Call SetProperty twice.
Call once with VSEDITPROPID_ViewGeneral_ColorCategoryas an argument.
Call once with VSEDITPROPID_ViewGeneral_FontCategory as an argument.
This sets and exposes the default fonts and colors services as a property of the window.
The following example initiates the use of built-in fonts and colors.
CComVariant vt;
CComQIPtr<IVsTextEditorPropertyCategoryContainer> spPropCatContainer(m_spView);
if (spPropCatContainer != NULL){
CComPtr<IVsTextEditorPropertyContainer> spPropContainer;
if (SUCCEEDED(spPropCatContainer->GetPropertyCategory(GUID_EditPropCategory_View_MasterSettings,
CComVariant vt;CComVariant VariantGUID(bstrGuidText);
spPropContainer->SetProperty(VSEDITPROPID_ViewGeneral_FontCategory, VariantGUID);
spPropContainer->SetProperty(VSEDITPROPID_ViewGeneral_ColorCategory, VariantGUID);
See Also
Getting Font and Color Information for Text Colorization
Accessing Stored Font and Color Settings