IParseSink::MatchTriple Method
Called when a matching triple is parsed.
HRESULT MatchTriple (
long startLine1,
long startIdx1,
long endLine1,
long endIdx1,
long startLine2,
long startIdx2,
long endLine2,
long endIdx2,
long startLine3,
long startIdx3,
long endLine3,
long endIdx3
[in] Specifies the starting line on which the first item in a matching triple occurs.startIdx1
[in] Specifies the starting index position on startLine1 for the first item in a matching triple.endLine1
[in] Specifies the ending line on which the first item in a matching triple occurs.endIdx1
[in] Specifies the ending index position on endLine1 for the first item in a matching triple.startLine2
[in] Specifies the starting line on which the second item in a matching triple occurs.startIdx2
[in] Specifies the starting index position on startLine1 for the second item in a matching triple.endLine2
[in] Specifies the ending line on which the second item in a matching triple occurs.endIdx2
[in] Specifies the ending index position on endLine1 for the second item in a matching triple.startLine3
[in] Specifies the starting line on which the third item in a matching triple occurs.startIdx3
[in] Specifies the starting index position on startLine1 for the third item in a matching triple.endLine3
[in] Specifies the ending line on which the third item in a matching triple occurs.endIdx3
[in] Specifies the ending index position on endLine1 for the third item in a matching triple.
Return Value
If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.
An example of a matching triple is "If", "Then", and "Else". Call this method only if your IBabelService::ParseSource Method implementation is called with a ParseReason Enumeration value of ReasonHighLightBraces or ReasonMatchBraces in the reason parameter. You should call IParseSink::MatchTriple once for each matching triple you find in the span of text passed to you in the text parameter of IBabelService::ParseSource Method.
The information in the MatchTriple method is used when auto-highlight matching braces is enabled and a user presses CTRL+] in Visual Studio.