Help Integration Reference
This section provides several general reference topics about Help integration and deployment.
In This Section
MSDN Attribute Schema
Provides a list of attributes defined by MSDN.Attributes in Visual Studio
Discusses the attributes that were used to tag content in the Help files in Visual Studio.Collection-Level Files
Summarizes the requirement for, and describes how to create, your Help project's collection-level files.Dexplore Command-Line Options
Describes the command line switches available for dexplore.exe, a DOS command line utility.Implementing Named URL Indexes
Describes how to customize some display features of your Help collection by implementing a named URL index.Managing Help Filters
Describes how to provide Help filters to enable end-users to filter information.Other Registration Methods
Describes alternatives to using Windows Installer to register your Help collection.Help API Reference
Provides reference documentation for the Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSHelp and Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSHelp80 namespaces.Item Monikers
Describes Microsoft Help item monikers that are used to specify Navigation objects in the collection definition (.HxC) file.
Related Sections
Help Stop-Word List
Defines terms that are typically included in stop word lists.Help Authoring Reference
Provides links to Microsoft Help 2 file types and XML tags and attributes.Help Authoring
Provides information about how to use HelpStudio Lite to author Help content.