HXC3045: The uncompressed SFL file could not be created. The full destination path may be too long or there may be a destination media problem.
Given when the compiler is unable to create a sample (.SFL) file for an uncompressed sample. This error is typically caused when the specified path exceeds 256 characters, if the destination media could not be found, or if there is any other problem with the specified destination media.
To correct this error
Verify that the specified path does not exceed 256 characters. This path is defined in two places: the first half of the path is specified in the value of the SampleStagingDir attribute for the <CompilerOptions> element of a collection definition (.HxC) file. The second half is defined in the value of the CopyDestDir attribute for the <Sample> element in the sample definition (.HxE) file.
Verify that the destination media is present and fully functional.