AccessControlEntry |
Specifies access rights for a trustee (user, group, or computer) to perform application-specific implementations of common tasks. |
AclChangedEvent |
ActionDeniedBySubscriber |
Infrastructure. |
ActionDeniedBySubscriberException |
Infrastructure. |
AllEvents |
Infrastructure. |
AlreadyInitializedException |
Infrastructure. |
ApplicationEvent |
ArtifactType |
An ArtifactType is the type of artifact that a tool maintains. A tool only supplies an artifact type if the type is immutable. Artifact types are registered by a tool at installation time. |
AuthorizationSubsystemException |
Infrastructure. |
Aux |
Infrastructure. |
BaseNotificationEvent |
Infrastructure. |
BranchMovedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
CisDictionary |
Infrastructure. |
CommonStructureServiceFaultCodes |
Infrastructure. |
Database |
DatabaseConfigurationException |
Infrastructure. |
DatabaseConnectionException |
Infrastructure. |
DatabaseFullException |
Infrastructure. |
DatabaseOperationCanceledException |
Infrastructure. |
DatabaseRuntimeException |
DataChanged |
DataChangedEvent |
Provides data for the DataChangedEvent event, which is fired when any Identity, ACL, or Classification node is added, removed, modified, or deleted. |
DatetimeShiftDetectedException |
Infrastructure. |
DeletedNode |
Infrastructure. |
DeliveryPreference |
Represents how event notifications are to be delivered. |
EventAlreadyRegisteredException |
Infrastructure. |
EventException |
Infrastructure. |
EventManager |
Infrastructure. |
EventResult |
Infrastructure. |
EventType |
ExecutionControls |
Infrastructure. |
GroupSecurityException |
Infrastructure. |
GroupSecuritySubsystemException |
Infrastructure. |
Identity |
An Identity structure represents a user, group, or Team Foundation Server application group, along with some of their attributes. |
IdentityChangedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
IdentityCreatedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
IdentityDeletedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
IntegrationException |
Infrastructure. |
InvalidTemplateException |
Infrastructure. |
LinkType |
Describes the purpose of links of a type. |
LogRecord |
Infrastructure. |
MembershipChangedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
NodeCreatedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
NodeInfo |
Contains information on a project node |
NodeRenamedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
NodesDeletedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
NoSubscriberPluginInterfaces |
Infrastructure. |
Notification |
OutboundLinkType |
ProjectCreatedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
ProjectDeletedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
ProjectInfo |
ProjectProperty |
Represents a single property in a Team Foundation project |
ProjectRenamedEvent |
Infrastructure. |
Property |
Represents a single property on a Team Foundation server. |
PropertyChanged |
Represents an instance of a changed property |
ProxyUtilities |
Infrastructure. |
RegistrationEntry |
Represents an entry in the registry |
RegistrationEntryRetrievalException |
Infrastructure. |
RegistrationExtendedAttribute |
RegistrationInformationMalformedException |
Infrastructure. |
RegistrationUtilities |
Infrastructure. |
RegistrationXmlSerializer |
Infrastructure. |
ReservedEventException |
Infrastructure. |
ServerException |
Infrastructure. |
ServiceInterface |
SimpleTimer |
Infrastructure. |
SqlErrorAttribute |
Infrastructure. |
Subscriber |
Represents a Subscriber |
SubscriberInfo |
Infrastructure. |
SubscriberNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
SubscriberNotImplemented |
Infrastructure. |
SubscriberResult |
Infrastructure. |
Subscription |
Represents a subscription |
SubscriptionDenied |
Infrastructure. |
SubscriptionDeniedException |
Infrastructure. |
SubscriptionInfo |
TeamFoundationApplication |
Infrastructure. |
TeamFoundationEventLog |
Infrastructure. |
TeamFoundationRecordLogger |
Infrastructure. |
TeamFoundationServiceException |
Infrastructure. |
TeamFoundationWebServiceBase |
Infrastructure. |
TemplateHeader |
TraceToggle |
Infrastructure. |
UnRegisteredEventException |
Infrastructure. |
VstfNotConfiguredException |
Infrastructure. |
WebMethodLogRecord |
Infrastructure. |