DefaultRegistryRootAttribute |
Defines the default registry root used to register VSPackage information. This class cannot be inherited. |
DesignPropertyDescriptor |
A specialization of PropertyDescriptor that allows customization of the display name of the property in the property grid. |
DialogContainerWithToolbar |
Use this class to implement modal forms in Visual Studio. The implementation enables the form to host a Visual Studio command bar so that it participates in standard command routing. |
DialogPage |
Provides a standard dialog box functionality for implementing Toolbox property sheets, ToolsOptions pages, or custom UI dialog boxes, with support for the Visual Studio automation model, Windows Forms, and state persistence by using the Visual Studio settings mechanism. |
DialogPage.PageApplyEventArgs |
Event arguments that allow the OnApply method to indicate how to handle the apply event. |
ErrorListProvider |
This task provider is used to provide tasks for the Visual Studio Error List window. |
ErrorTask |
Represents an error task on the Task List. This class implements IVsErrorItem. |
EventSinkCollection |
Maps objects to and from event "cookies" that represent a client's registration with an event provider. |
InstalledProductRegistrationAttribute |
Provides information for the Visual Studio splash screen and the Help About dialog box when applied to a Package-derived class or a class that implements IVsPackage. This class cannot be inherited. |
LocalizableProperties |
LocalizableProperties provides a class that supplies custom type information on localizable properties for an object. |
LocDisplayNameAttribute |
Specifies the localizable display name for a property, event, or public void method which takes no arguments. |
MsiComponentIdAttribute |
Defines the Windows Installer component ID. The component ID is used by the Windows Installer to indicate the installation path to the VSPackage. |
MsiTokenAttribute |
Defines a token string for the MSI installer. |
OleDataObject |
Provides a managed class that implements the IOleDataObject interface. |
OleMenuCmdEventArgs |
The set of arguments passed to an OleMenuCommand object when the Invoke function is called. |
OleMenuCommand |
Represents a menu command in Visual Studio. |
OleMenuCommandService |
This class derives from the MenuCommandService class and implements IOleCommandTarget. MenuCommandService is the managed class used to add handlers for menu commands and to define verbs. |
Package |
Provides a managed implementation of the VSIP interfaces required to create a fully functional VSPackage. |
PackageRegistrationAttribute |
Modify your class that implements IVsPackage by using this attribute so that the registration tool, RegPkg.exe, will look for additional attributes. For more information, see Registering VSPackages (C#). |
PackageUtilities |
A set of static utilities for filenames, paths, enumeration/string conversions, images, and other functions. |
PropertyPageTypeConverterAttribute |
The class representing the attribute describing how to convert property values on property pages in a package. Use this attribute rather than TypeConverterAttribute. |
ProvideAssemblyFilterAttribute |
Describes the assemblies that the IConfigureToolboxItem class supports. |
ProvideAutoLoadAttribute |
Apply this attribute to your VSPackage class to cause it to be automatically loaded when a specified UI context is active. This class cannot be inherited. |
ProvideAutomationObjectAttribute |
Modifying your Package-derived class with this attribute declares that it provides a particular automation object. |
ProvideEditorExtensionAttribute |
Associates a file extension to a given editor factory when applied to a class that inherits from Package or implements the interface IVsPackage. |
ProvideEditorFactoryAttribute |
This attribute declares that the VSPackage provides an editor factory. |
ProvideEditorLogicalViewAttribute |
Adds a logical view to the editor created by an editor factory. |
ProvideExtenderAttribute |
Provides an extender for Visual Studio. This class cannot be inherited. |
ProvideKeyBindingTableAttribute |
Provides a key binding table GUID. By putting this attribute on your Package-derived class or class that implements IVsPackage you will declare that it has the given key binding (KEYBINDINGS_SECTION – KEYBINDINGS_END) table in its Command Table Configuration (.Ctc) Files. |
ProvideLanguageCodeExpansionAttribute |
Registers language service support for code snippets. |
ProvideLanguageEditorOptionPageAttribute |
Informs Visual Studio about a language service property page. |
ProvideLanguageEditorToolsOptionCategoryAttribute |
This attribute is used to declare a Tools Option category for a language. |
ProvideLanguageExtensionAttribute |
Associates a file extension with a particular language service. |
ProvideLanguageServiceAttribute |
Informs Visual Studio that a VSPackage provides a language service. Used with the managed package framework (MPF). |
ProvideLoadKeyAttribute |
This attribute provides a package load key for your package. |
ProvideMenuResourceAttribute |
Provides registration information about menu resources used in a VSPackage. This class cannot be inherited. |
ProvideObjectAttribute |
Informs Visual Studio that the VSPackage provides an object that can be created from the ILocalRegistryinterface. This class cannot be inherited. |
ProvideOptionDialogPageAttribute |
The base class for all the attributes that are used to register an option page. |
ProvideOptionPageAttribute |
Apply this attribute to independent objects to allow users to configure VSPackages through a custom Tools Options page. |
ProvideProfileAttribute |
Apply this attribute to independent objects used to implement a VSPackage's Visual Studio settings support. |
ProvideProjectFactoryAttribute |
ProvideProjectFactoryAttribute declares that a package provides a project factory. |
ProvideProjectItemAttribute |
This attribute registers items to be included in the Add New Item dialog for the specified project type. It is placed on a VSPackage. |
ProvideServiceAttribute |
This attribute indicates that the package proffers a service when applied to a subclass of Package or a class that implements IVsPackage. |
ProvideToolboxFormatAttribute |
Apply this attribute to classes implementing VSPackages to declare that the VSPackage provides Toolbox items with the specified clipboard format and to enable drag-and-drop support in the Visual Studio Toolbox. |
ProvideToolboxItemConfigurationAttribute |
Registers a VSPackage as supplying a particular implementation of IConfigureToolboxItem. Used in conjunction with ProvideAssemblyFilterAttribute. |
ProvideToolboxItemsAttribute |
Apply this attribute to classes implementing VSPackages to declare if they offer a set of items to the Visual Studio Toolbox. |
ProvideToolboxPageAttribute |
Registers a VSPackage as providing one or more dialog pages in the Customize Toolbox dialog page of the Visual Studio IDE. |
ProvideToolWindowAttribute |
Notifies Visual Studio that a VSPackage owns a tool window. |
ProvideToolWindowVisibilityAttribute |
Maps a tool window to one or more UI contexts, so that the window is displayed when the user switches to one of those contexts and is hidden when the user switches away from one of the contexts. |
ProvideViewAttribute |
This attribute declares that an editor factory class offers a particular logical view. |
RegisterAutoLoadAttribute |
Obsolete. Registers the VSPackage as an extender that is automatically loaded in response to a particular context GUID. This class cannot be inherited. |
RegisterEditorExtensionAttribute |
Obsolete. See ProvideEditorExtensionAttribute. Registers a file extension with a given editor factory. This class cannot be inherited. |
RegisterEditorLogicalViewAttribute |
Obsolete. Adds a logical view to the editor created by an editor factory. This attribute has been deprecated. Please use ProvideEditorLogicalViewAttribute instead. |
RegisterExtenderAttribute |
Obsolete. Registers an extender with Visual Studio. This class cannot be inherited. This class is obsolete. Please use ProvideExtenderAttribute instead. |
RegisterLanguageExtensionAttribute |
Obsolete. Registers a file extension with a given language service by applying the attribute to a Package-derived class or class that implements IVsPackage when registered using a registration tool like regpkg.exe. For more information, see Registering VSPackages (C#). |
RegisterLoadKeyAttribute |
Obsolete. Registers a Package load key with the VSPackage. This class cannot be inherited. |
RegisterProjectItemAttribute |
Obsolete. RegisterProjectItemAttribute has been deprecated. Please use ProvideProjectItemAttribute instead |
RegistrationAttribute |
Infrastructure. An abstract class for VSPackage registration. The RegistrationAttribute class allows new registration information to be added without changing the registration tools. |
RegistrationAttribute.Key |
Provides an abstract class that represents a registration key. |
RegistrationAttribute.RegistrationContext |
An abstract base class for objects providing context information from an external source to a registration attribute. |
RunningDocumentTable |
Provides access to the Running Document Table (RDT) that tracks all currently opened documents in Visual Studio. |
SelectionContainer |
Provides a unified interface for accessing a set of selected objects. |
ServiceProvider |
Provides a unified service provider for managed VSPackages. |
ServiceProviderHierarchy |
A hierarchical service provider that stores IServiceProvider objects in a sorted collection for an ordered retrieval. When GetService is called to retrieve a service, the service providers are queried in a specific order. This is useful when multiple service providers are combined, such as in the WindowPane implementation. |
ServiceProviderHierarchyOrder |
Provides a recommended service resolution order for common service providers. When multiple service providers are combined in a service provider hierarchy, they are given a numeric ordering. |
Task |
An implementation of IVsTaskItem, used to modify the appearance and functionality of a task in the task list. |
TaskProvider |
This class implements IVsTaskProvider. It provides a framework-friendly way to define a task provider and its associated services. |
TaskProvider.TaskCollection |
A container for Task objects. |
ToolWindowPane |
A default implementation for a tool window. It can be subclassed to implement a customized tool window. |
Url |
Wraps the Uri class. Provides an unescaped version of LocalPath for file URL types and AbsoluteUri for HTTP URL types. Also returns an unescaped result from MakeRelativeUri so that it can be presented to the user. |
VsMenus |
Includes the GUIDs for Visual Studio menu commands. |
VSRegistry |
Provides utility functions for discovering the registry hive under which Visual Studio is currently running. |
VsShellUtilities |
Provides static helper methods to use with the Visual Studio shell. |
WindowPane |
A default implementation of a tool window pane. This class implements IVsWindowPane, but the implementer must provide an implementation of an object that returns an IWin32Window. This class also implements IOleCommandTarget, maps it to IMenuCommandService and IObjectWithSite, and maps the site to services that can be queried through its protected GetService method. |