Accessing the Computer's Ports
The My.Computer.Ports object provides a property and a method for accessing the computer's serial ports.
In This Section
How to: Show Available Serial Ports in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to show available serial ports.How to: Dial Modems Attached to Serial Ports in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to dial a modem attached to the serial port of a computer.How to: Send Strings to Serial Ports in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to send a string to a computer's serial port.How to: Receive Strings From Serial Ports in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to receive a string from a computer's serial port.
My.Computer.Ports Object
Describes the My.Computer.Ports object and its members.My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames Property
Describes the SerialPortNames property, which gets a collection of the names of the serial ports on the computer.My.Computer.Ports.OpenSerialPort Method
Describes the OpenSerialPort method, which creates and opens a System.IO.Ports.SerialPort object.
Related Sections
- SerialPort
Describes the .NET Framework SerialPort class.