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Visual Basic Concepts

How Visual Basic Provides Polymorphism

Most object-oriented programming systems provide polymorphism through inheritance. That is, the hypothetical Flea and Tyrannosaur classes might both inherit from an Animal class. Each class would override the Animal class's Bite method, in order to provide its own bite characteristics.

The polymorphism comes from the fact that you could call the Bite method of an object belonging to any class that derived from Animal, without knowing which class the object belonged to.

Providing Polymorphism with Interfaces

Visual Basic doesn't use inheritance to provide polymorphism. Visual Basic provides polymorphism through multiple ActiveX interfaces. In the Component Object Model (COM) that forms the infrastructure of the ActiveX specification, multiple interfaces allow systems of software components to evolve without breaking existing code.

An interface is a set of related properties and methods. Much of the ActiveX specification is concerned with implementing standard interfaces to obtain system services or to provide functionality to other programs.

In Visual Basic, you would create an Animal interface and implement it in your Flea and Tyrannosaur classes. You could then invoke the Bite method of either kind of object, without knowing which kind it was.

Polymorphism and Performance

Polymorphism is important for performance reasons. To see this, consider the following function:

Public Sub GetFood(ByVal Critter As Object, _
ByVal Food As Object)
   Dim dblDistance As Double
   ' Code to calculate distance to food (omitted).
   Critter.Move dblDistance   ' Late bound
   Critter.Bite Food            ' Late bound
End Sub

The Move and Bite methods are late bound to Critter. Late binding happens when Visual Basic can't determine at compile time what kind of object a variable will contain. In this example, the Critter argument is declared As Object, so at run time it could contain a reference to any kind of object — like a Car or a Rock.

Because it can't tell what the object will be, Visual Basic compiles some extra code to ask the object if it supports the method you've called. If the object supports the method, this extra code invokes it; if not, the extra code raises an error. Every method or property call incurs this additional overhead.

By contrast, interfaces allow early binding. When Visual Basic knows at compile time what interface is being called, it can check the type library to see if that interface supports the method. Visual Basic can then compile in a direct jump to the method, using a virtual function table (vtable). This is many times faster than late binding.

Now suppose the Move and Bite methods belong to an Animal interface, and that all animal classes implement this interface. The Critter argument can now be declared As Animal, and the Move and Bite methods will be early bound:

Public Sub GetFood(ByVal Critter As Animal, _
ByVal Food As Object)
   Dim dblDistance As Double
   ' Code to calculate distance to food (omitted).
   Critter.Move dblDistance   ' Early bound (vtable).
   Critter.Bite Food            ' Early bound (vtable).
End Sub

For More Information   "Creating and Implementing an Interface" creates an Animal interface and implements it in Flea and Tyrannosaur classes.