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Specifying a Web Service Default Location

When you publish COM servers as Web Services, you are prompted to specify a default location the first time you try to publish a Web Service. This location is a local Web server URL (virtual directory) that you might want to use as a default location for storing Web Service support files (ASP listeners and WSDL files). This location is optional, but it can simplify the process of publishing your Web Services. If you do not provide a default location, you are prompted for a location each time you try to publish a Web Service. You can also access this dialog box later to change the location to publish your Web Service.

Web Services Location Dialog Box

The Location dialog box makes it possible for you to specify a local URL (virtual directory) to publish your Web Services.

Name Description
Existing radio button When clicked, this button enables the Select Virtual Directory combo box so you can specify the location to publish Web Services. This must be a location URL (virtual directory) available on your IIS Web server.
New radio button When clicked, this button makes it possible for you to add a new virtual directory to use as the location to publish your Web Service.
Select Virtual Directory combo box Specifies the local URL (virtual directory) on which to publish a Web Service. The combo box contains a list of all available virtual directories on your IIS default Web server.

If the New radio button is selected, the URL selected is used as the root location for the new virtual directory specified in the Name text box.

New Virtual Directory Name text box Specifies the name of the new virtual directory. Enabled only for the New radio button.
Path textbox Shows the physical path for the new virtual directory location.
Enabled only for the New radio button.
Path button Prompts you to select a physical directory for the new virtual directory.
Enabled only for the New radio button.

Note   Visual FoxPro Web Services retain all prior settings for previously published Web Services, so you do not have to reset these each time you want to republish that Web Service.

See Also

Web Services Overview | Web Service Registration | Calling Web Services | Web Service Publishing | Web Service Deployment | Using the Web Services Project Hook