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Command Line Activity Wizard

Applies To: System Center 2012 - Orchestrator, System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator, System Center 2012 SP1 - Orchestrator

The Command-Line Activity Wizard enables you to quickly create new activities in Orchestrator by encapsulating commands, arguments and parameters into a Microsoft .NET assembly (.DLL). The wizard automatically creates C# source code using the Orchestrator SDK and compiles it for you. Using this assembly, you can utilize the .NET Integration Pack (part of the Integration Toolkit) to test out your activities, and then use the Integration Pack Wizard to package the assembly into a custom Integration Pack that can be distributed and deployed just like other Integration Packs.

An assembly can contain one or more activities (commands), and the activities can be one or more of the available command types (Command, Command Line, PowerShell or SSH command). You define the activity name, command structure, input parameters and even published data (output).

Overview of Activities in Orchestrator

An activity is a single functional part of an Orchestrator runbook. Activities are what do the actual work within runbooks, and are joined together using links that can be defined with conditions to create workflow branches. When building a runbook using the Runbook Designer, you drag and drop activities from the Activities pane into the runbook, then link them together to form the workflow. As the runbook runs, it invokes each activity in sequence according to the way they were linked. Each activity performs a specific duty, and can collect input data from the Orchestrator data bus, and publish its output to the same data bus. Each activity has the ability to draw published data from any of the activities that ran prior to it in the runbook, and publishing output data allows following activities to access it.

Activities range from very simple to very complex. You can create an activity using the Command-Line Activity Wizard that does nothing but echoes text to an output property. You can also create a single activity that performs a complex, multi-step action such as virtual machine deployment. It’s up to you to define what each activity will do. However, your goal should be to define activities that encapsulate single sets of functionality that allow for easy re-use in many different types of situations. The key is flexibility. It’s better to create a set of ten different activities that each do something specific, and be able to use those activities in 20 different ways, rather than create 20 different activities to solve the specific individual scenarios. More information about best practices is covered later in this document.

Creating a New Activity Assembly

To create a new command-line activity assembly

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft System Center 2012 > Orchestrator > Integration Toolkit > Orchestrator Command-Line Activity Wizard

  2. Click Next.

  3. On the Assembly Details page, enter a value for Name that begins with a letter and is followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters. This name is used as a C# namespace identifier for the assembly and your activities.

  4. In Assembly file, enter a path and filename of the assembly file that will be created by this wizard. If this file already exists, you will be prompted to overwrite the file.

  5. Click the Assembly information button. You can enter information here that will become the properties of the assembly file, visible in Windows Explorer via file properties. The property values are defined in the table below. This information is optional and not required to build an assembly.




    Specifies a title for the assembly, which appears as the “File description” property in Windows Explorer properties


    Specifies an optional description for the assembly, which does not appear in Windows Explorer properties


    Specifies a product name for the assembly, which appears as the “Product name” property in Windows Explorer properties


    Specifies a company name for the assembly, which does not appear in Windows Explorer properties


    Specifies a copyright notice for the assembly, which appears as “Copyright” in Windows Explorer properties


    Specifies a trademark for the assembly, which appears as “Legal trademarks” in Windows Explorer properties


    Specifies the assembly version and file version. These appear in Windows Explorer properties as File version and Product version.

    The version number has four parts, as follows:

    <major version>.<minor version>.<build number>.<revision>

  6. Click OK when you are done entering assembly information.

  7. Click Next. The Commands page displays.

  8. Add one or more commands by following the instructions provided in Adding Commands to an Assembly.

  9. When you have completed the definition of your activity, click OK. The dialog closes and your new activity is added to the list on the Commands page. If you need to go back and edit a command, select the command in the list and click Edit. If you need to delete a command, select the command in the list and click Remove.

  10. When you are finished adding and modifying commands, click Next. The assembly file specified at the start of the wizard is compiled, and when the process is complete, the final wizard page displays.

  11. If you wish to immediately build an Integration Pack from this new assembly, click the Build Integration Pack button, which launches the Integration Pack Wizard and pre-loads the information from the assembly. Then, follow the instructions in Creating a New Integration Pack to create the Integration Pack.

  12. If you wish to test your assembly using the Invoke .NET activity or just skip the IP build process for now, click Finish.

Adding Commands to an Assembly

To add a command to an assembly

  1. On the Commands page, you can define one or more commands (which become activities) which will be added to the assembly. To add a new command, click Add.

  2. The Add/Edit Command dialog displays and contains three tabs: General, Arguments and Published Data. Enter a Name for the command. This becomes the name displayed in the Runbook Designer for the activity. You can optionally enter a Description for the command as well.

  3. The Mode property selector contains four options: Run Command, Run Windows PowerShell, Run Program, and Run SSH Command. If you selected the Run Program mode, the Program field becomes active. Click the ellipsis button (...) and browse for the program that you want to run.


    The program selected in a Run Program command will be invoked on the Runbook Server where the runbook containing this activity is being run. Therefore, this program must exist on all Runbook Servers where you expect to run the runbook.

  4. Click the Arguments tab.

  5. In the Command Line field, type the command or command line parameters needed by your activity. If your command will take parameters that you want users to specify, you will need to add them in the Parameters list below, and then use the Insert button to add them to the command line.


    If you specified Run Windows PowerShell for the Mode and you are referencing a PowerShell script included with your Integration Pack, you must precede the name of the script with dot and slash characters to refer to the local directory. For example, .\MyScript.ps1 would be specified for a script named MyScript.ps1. This is because the script file will be copied to the default directory for the Integration Pack. When Windows PowerShell runs a script from the local directory, it must specify this notation.

  6. To provide parameters for a command line, click Add. The Add/Edit Parameter dialog appears.

  7. In the Name field, type a name for the parameter that you are adding. This is the display name of the parameter shown in the Properties list of the activity.

  8. From the Usage mode drop-down list, select the mode that you will use for the parameter. The Usage mode has two choices:

    Usage Mode Description

    Command Argument

    Select to use this argument as parameter within your command line (using the Insert button). For example, a command argument parameter named “Folder” could be placed in the command line like this:

    Dir $(folder)


    If command line arguments contain spaces (such as folder names), you may need to enclose them in quotes for the command to work properly. For example:

    Dir "$(folder)"

    Environment Variable

    Select to use this argument as an environment variable that will be set before the command line is run. It can be used as a command line parameter or as an environment variable within a script that is run.

    For example, an environment variable parameter named “Folder” could be placed in the command line like this:

    Dir %Folder%


    The environment variable name already exists in either user or system environments, the command will fail with an error message similar to the following:

    Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'folder' Key being added: 'folder'

    You can determine what environment variables exist on a local or remote computer by clicking Start > Run, then typing MSINFO32.EXE. Then select Software Environment > Environment Variables. To select another computer, press <CTRL+R>, select Remote Computer on the Network and enter the computer name, then click OK.

  9. From the Display style drop-down list, select the style that you will use to display the parameter. The display style determines how the user will interact with the input when it is presented to them. The choices are described below:


    The user will be presented with a free-form text box for entering a value

    Encrypted Text

    The user will be presented with a masked text box. The data in this field will be encrypted within the database and will not be shown in any logs


    The user can select True or False from a popup dialog

    Text with Selection

    The user can select from a group of Options that you specify


    The user can select the value using a Date/Time Picker control


    The user can select the value using a File Browser control


    The user can select the value using a Folder Browser control


    The user can select the value using a Computer Browser control

  10. If the parameter requires or you wish to provide a default value, type it in the Default value field.

  11. If you selected Text with Selection, the Options field is enabled. To add option values that the user can select from, click the ellipsis button beside the Options field and enter them. Each option is listed on a separate line. When finished adding options, click OK.

  12. When you are finished with the parameter definition, click OK.

  13. If defined as a Command Parameter, the parameter can now be added to the command line by placing the cursor at the desired insertion point in the command line, then clicking the Insert button and selecting the parameter name. If defined as an Environment Variable, you must manually type in the variable (in the format %variable%) if you want it in the command line.

  14. If you chose the Run Program or Run Command Line modes, the checkbox for Include working directory parameter is enabled.

  15. Click the Published Data tab. Settings on this tab allow you to publish output data to the Orchestrator data bus so that other activities can use the information.

  16. To add a new published data property, click Add.

  17. If you selected the Run Command, Run Program, or Run SSH Command option from the Mode drop-down list on the General tab of the Add/Edit Command dialog, the following items appear on the Add/Edit Published Data dialog:


    The display name of the Published Data item that you are creating


    The source of the Published Data item. You can choose from Standard Output Stream or Standard Error Stream from the command line


    The mode that you want to use to select the data published.

    Use Match Pattern to determine if a given pattern is found within the Source. This will return True or False.

    Use Extract Group to retrieve each item of data that matches the Pattern that you specify


    The regular expression that applies to the Mode setting


    The description text that displays next to the published data property in the Runbook Designer. (optional)

  18. If you selected the Run Windows PowerShell option from the Mode drop-down list on the General tab of the Add/Edit Command dialog, the following items appear on the Add/Edit Published Data dialog:


    The display name of the Published Data item that you are creating


    The name of the Windows PowerShell property that will be saved to the Published Data item. This property must be contained in an object output to the PowerShell pipeline during the script and must not be an object (should be able to be converted to a string).


    The description text that displays next to the published data property in the Runbook Designer. (optional)

  19. Click OK to finish adding the Published Data item. Repeat steps 16-18 for each Published Data item you wish to add.

  20. Click OK to close the Add/Edit Command dialog and return to the Commands dialog.

Testing an Activity Assembly

After you have created an assembly, you can test it using the Invoke .NET activity (contained in the Integration Toolkit IP for .NET) to verify that it works as expected before converting it into a custom Integration Pack.

To test and assembly

  1. Open the Runbook Designer.

  2. Create a new runbook.

  3. In the Activities pane, click the Integration Toolkit category to expand it, and drag an Invoke .NET activity in to the new runbook.

  4. Double-click the Invoke .NET object to view the Properties dialog.

  5. In the Assembly field, browse for the assembly file that you created using the Command-Line Activity Wizard (or via custom development using the SDK) by clicking the ellipsis button (...) to the right of the field. Select the file, then click Open.

  6. Click the ellipsis button to the right of the Class field to view a list of the individual commands in the assembly. Select a command class, and click OK. Parameters for this class appear on the Properties tab of the dialog.

  7. The Setup field is used only by custom-developed classes using the Orchestrator SDK with the OrchestratorData attribute. For more information about the SDK, see System Center 2012 Orchestrator Integration Toolkit SDK.

  8. Click the Properties tab.

  9. Provide the information for each of the properties as necessary.

  10. Click Finish to save the settings and return to the runbook.

  11. Click Runbook Tester in the toolbar in the Runbook Designer. The Runbook Tester starts.

  12. Click Run to Breakpoint in the toolbar. The runbook starts and your activity runs. Results of the activity are shown in the Run Log pane.

  13. Click Show Details under the activity name in the Run Log pane to see the detailed results, including the input properties and published data.

QIK CLI Activity Migration

If you have an assembly that was created using the Opalis 6.3 QIK CLI Wizard, you will need to convert it to be compatible with Orchestrator before it can be used either in an Orchestrator Integration Pack or used directly in runbooks via the Invoke .NET activity. The conversion process is simple and only takes a few seconds per assembly.


The install for the Orchestrator Integration Toolkit will not fail if Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Service Pack 1 is not installed, but different operations in the Command-Line Activity Wizard will fail if it is not present. Ensure that Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Service Pack 1 is installed before using the CLI.

To convert an Opalis QIK CLI Assembly

  1. Launch the Orchestrator Command-Line Activity Wizard by clicking Start > All Programs > Microsoft System Center 2012 > Orchestrator > Command-Line Activity Wizard

  2. When the wizard loads, click the Load existing assembly button on the first page.

  3. Select your existing assembly file and then click Open. The name and file location of the assembly is shown.

  4. Modify the file path so that the changes will be saved to a new file. You can also change the name of the assembly if necessary.

  5. If you need to make further changes to the assembly information details, click the Assembly information button and make those changes. Click OK when done to return to the Assembly Details page.

  6. Click Next to go to the Commands page. You should see a list of commands that were previously defined in the assembly. Review the commands if necessary and click Next to continue to the Building Assembly page.

  7. Your new assembly will be built for you and saved using the path and filename you defined previously.

  8. You can now use your new Orchestrator-compatible assembly in runbooks with the Invoke .NET activity, or you can build an Integration Pack from this assembly by clicking the Build Integration Pack button. If you do not wish to build an IP at this time, click Close to end the wizard.

Orchestrator Resources

In addition to this online reference provided for System Center 2012 Orchestrator, there are a number of resources that can provide additional information on building runbooks, using the Integration Toolkit, and best practices.



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