Gets the change unit ID that is stored at the specified index in the array of change unit IDs that define the filter.
HRESULT GetChangeUnitId(
DWORD dwChangeUnitIdIndex,
BYTE * pbChangeUnitId,
DWORD * pcbIdSize);
- dwChangeUnitIdIndex
[in] The index of the change unit ID to look up.
- pbChangeUnitId
[in, out, unique, size_is(*pcbIdSize)] Returns the change unit ID that is stored at the index that is specified by dwChangeUnitIdIndex.
- pcbIdSize
[in, out] Specifies the number of bytes in pbChangeUnitId. Returns either the number of bytes that are required to retrieve the ID when pbChangeUnitId is too small, or the number of bytes written.
Return Value
E_INVALIDARG when no filter is defined, or when dwChangeUnitIdIndex is larger than the number of change unit IDs that define the filter.
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pbChangeUnitId is too small. In this situation, the required number of bytes is returned in pcbIdSize.
SYNC_E_ID_FORMAT_MISMATCH when the change unit ID to be returned is not valid.