Returns the next change unit ID in the set of change unit IDs that this knowledge fragment applies to.
HRESULT NextColumn(
BYTE* pChangeUnitId,
DWORD* pChangeUnitIdSize);
Term |
Definition |
pChangeUnitId |
[in, out, unique, size_is(*pChangeUnitIdSize)] Returns the next change unit ID in the set. |
pChangeUnitIdSize |
[in, out] Specifies the number of bytes in pChangeUnitId. Returns either the number of bytes that are required to retrieve the ID when pChangeUnitId is too small, or the number of bytes written. |
Return Value
S_FALSE when there are no more change unit IDs to enumerate.
E_POINTER when the change unit ID is a variable-length ID and pChangeUnitIdSize is NULL.
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pChangeUnitId is too small. In this situation, the required number of bytes is returned in pChangeUnitIdSize.
SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION if the knowledge object contained in this object has changed since this object was created.
An ISyncKnowledge2 object contains one or more ICoreFragment objects. Each object contains knowledge that applies to a specific set of columns. A column is represented as a change unit. Typically, one of the ICoreFragment objects contains no columns. When an ICoreFragment object contains no columns, its knowledge applies to all the change units that are not specified in any other fragment. In this situation, NextColumn always returns S_FALSE.