Gets the forgotten knowledge that the filtered destination replica learns when the destination provider applies this change as part of a recovery synchronization.
HRESULT GetFilteredReplicaLearnedForgottenKnowledgeAfterRecoveryComplete(
ISyncKnowledge * pDestinationKnowledge,
IEnumItemIds * pNewMoveins,
ISyncKnowledge ** ppLearnedForgottenKnowledge);
- pDestinationKnowledge
[in] When the change contains prerequisite knowledge, a knowledge fragment is added to the returned learned forgotten knowledge only if pDestinationKnowledge contains the prerequisite knowledge for that fragment.
- pNewMoveins
[in] Identifies items in the destination replica that have recently moved into the filter. These items are excluded from the returned learned knowledge. This list must include all items that have a filter move-in version that is not contained in the made-with knowledge of the change.
- ppLearnedForgottenKnowledge
[out] Returns the forgotten knowledge that the filtered destination replica learns when the destination provider applies this change as part of a recovery synchronization.
Return Value
SYNC_E_CHANGE_NEEDS_KNOWLEDGE when the change does not contain made-with knowledge.
SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION when the change is not part of a recovery synchronization.