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Loads data, represented as an XML string in the FeedSync format, for a specified item from the loaded feed.

HRESULT LoadChangeDataXmlText(
  ILoadChangeContext * pLoadChangeContext,
  LPWSTR pwszDataText,
  DWORD * pcchDataText);


  • pLoadChangeContext
    [in] Information about the item to load.
  • pwszDataText
    [in, out, unique] Returns the item data, represented as an XML string in the FeedSync format.
  • pcchDataText
    [in, out] Specifies the number of characters in pwszDataText. Returns either the number of characters that are required to retrieve the ID when pwszDataText is too small, or the number of characters written.

Return Value

  • S_OK

  • HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pwszDataText is too small. In this situation, the required number of characters is returned in pcchDataText.


  • SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION when the size of the data retrieved is greater than INT_MAX.

See Also


IFeedSyncServicesWithXmlText Interface