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Creates an IForgottenKnowledge object and initializes it by using serialized data.

HRESULT DeserializeForgottenKnowledge( 
  const BYTE *pbKnowledge,
  DWORD cbKnowledge,
  IReplicaKeyMap *pReplicaKeyMap,
  IForgottenKnowledge **ppKnowledge);


  • pbKnowledge
    [in, size_is(cbKnowledge)] The serialized forgotten knowledge data.
  • cbKnowledge
    [in] The number of bytes in pbKnowledge.
  • pReplicaKeyMap
    [in, unique] A replica key map used to create the forgotten knowledge object. If this value is NULL, pbKnowledge must contain a serialized replica key map. If this value is not NULL, pbKnowledge must not contain a serialized replica key map.
  • ppKnowledge
    [out] Returns the newly created forgotten knowledge object.

Return Value

  • S_OK



  • SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION when this object is not initialized.

  • SYNC_E_DESERIALIZATION when the serialized data is not valid.

  • SYNC_E_ID_FORMAT_MISMATCH when the ID format schema that is specified by pbKnowledge differs from the ID format schema that is used to initialize this object.

See Also


IProviderSyncServices Interface