sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database (Transact-SQL)
Sets up a secondary databases for log shipping.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
[ @secondary_database = ] 'secondary_database',
[ @primary_server = ] 'primary_server',
[ @primary_database = ] 'primary_database',
[, [ @restore_delay = ] 'restore_delay']
[, [ @restore_all = ] 'restore_all']
[, [ @restore_mode = ] 'restore_mode']
[, [ @disconnect_users = ] 'disconnect_users']
[, [ @block_size = ] 'block_size']
[, [ @buffer_count = ] 'buffer_count']
[, [ @max_transfer_size = ] 'max_transfer_size']
[, [ @restore_threshold = ] 'restore_threshold']
[, [ @threshold_alert = ] 'threshold_alert']
[, [ @threshold_alert_enabled = ] 'threshold_alert_enabled']
[, [ @history_retention_period = ] 'history_retention_period']
[ @secondary_database = ] 'secondary_database'
Is the name of the secondary database. secondary_database is sysname, with no default.[ @primary_server = ] 'primary_server'
The name of the primary instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine in the log shipping configuration. primary_server is sysname and cannot be NULL.[ @primary_database = ] 'primary_database'
Is the name of the database on the primary server. primary_database is sysname, with no default.[ @restore_delay = ] 'restore_delay'
The amount of time, in minutes, that the secondary server waits before restoring a given backup file. restore_delay is int and cannot be NULL. The default value is 0.[ @restore_all = ] 'restore_all'
If set to 1, the secondary server restores all available transaction log backups when the restore job runs. Otherwise, it stops after one file is restored. restore_all is bit and cannot be NULL.[ @restore_mode = ] 'restore_mode'
The restore mode for the secondary database.0 = Restore log with NORECOVERY.
1 = restore log with STANDBY.
restore is bit and cannot be NULL.
[ @disconnect_users = ] 'disconnect_users'
If set to 1, users are disconnected from the secondary database when a restore operation is performed. Default = 0. disconnect users is bit and cannot be NULL.[ @block_size = ] 'block_size'
The size, in bytes, that is used as the block size for the backup device. block_size is int with a default value of -1.[ @buffer_count = ] 'buffer_count'
The total number of buffers used by the backup or restore operation. buffer_count is int with a default value of -1.[ @max_transfer_size = ] 'max_transfer_size'
The size, in bytes, of the maximum input or output request which is issued by SQL Server to the backup device. max_transfersize is int and can be NULL.[ @restore_threshold = ] 'restore_threshold'
The number of minutes allowed to elapse between restore operations before an alert is generated. restore_threshold is int and cannot be NULL.[ @threshold_alert = ] 'threshold_alert'
Is the alert to be raised when the backup threshold is exceeded. threshold_alert is int, with a default of 14,420.[ @threshold_alert_enabled = ] 'threshold_alert_enabled'
Specifies whether an alert is raised when backup_threshold is exceeded. The value of one (1), the default, means that the alert is raised. threshold_alert_enabled is bit.[ @history_retention_period = ] 'history_retention_period'
Is the length of time in minutes in which the history is retained. history_retention_period is int, with a default of NULL. A value of 14420 is used if none is specified.
Return Code Values
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
Result Sets
sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database must be run from the master database on the secondary server. This stored procedure does the following:
sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_primary should be called prior to this stored procedure to initialize the primary log shipping database information on the secondary server.
Adds an entry for the secondary database in log_shipping_secondary_databases using the supplied arguments.
Adds a local monitor record in log_shipping_monitor_secondary on the secondary server using supplied arguments.
If the monitor server is different from the secondary server, adds a monitor record in log_shipping_monitor_secondary on the monitor server using supplied arguments.
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can run this procedure.
This example illustrates using the sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database stored procedure to add the database LogShipAdventureWorks as a secondary database in a log shipping configuration with the primary database AdventureWorks2012 residing on the primary server TRIBECA.
EXEC master.dbo.sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database
@secondary_database = N'LogShipAdventureWorks'
,@primary_server = N'TRIBECA'
,@primary_database = N'AdventureWorks'
,@restore_delay = 0
,@restore_mode = 1
,@disconnect_users = 0
,@restore_threshold = 45
,@threshold_alert_enabled = 0
,@history_retention_period = 1440
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System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)