Specify Mining Model Column Usage (Data Mining Wizard)
Use the Specify Mining Model Column Usage page to specify how the mining model columns will be used, and to add nested tables.
This page will appear only if you have selected From existing cube on the Select the Definition Method page of the wizard.
For More Information: Data Mining Wizard (Analysis Services - Data Mining), Create a Relational Mining Structure
Displays the name of the tables and columns that you previously defined in the wizard.Input
Select to use the table or column as input into the mining model.Predictable
Select to predict values of the table or column by using the Input table or columns.Add Nested Tables
Click to add a table with the Add New Nested Table dialog box.Remove Nested Table
Click to remove the selected nested table. This button is enabled only if a nested table is selected.
Zobacz także
Data Mining Wizard F1 Help (Analysis Services - Data Mining)
Select Case Level Columns (Data Mining Wizard)
Specify the Column's Content and Data Type (Data Mining Wizard)