Create and Publish a Business Rule (Master Data Services)
In Master Data Services, create a business rule to ensure the accuracy of your master data. After you create a rule, you must publish it before you can apply it to data.
Wymagania wstępne
To perform this procedure:
You must have permission to access the System Administration functional area.
You must be a model administrator. For more information, see Administrators (Master Data Services).
To create and publish a business rule
In Master Data Manager, click System Administration.
From the menu bar, point to Manage and click Business Rules.
On the Business Rule Maintenance page, from the Model list, select a model.
From the Entity list, select an entity.
From the Member Type list, select a type of member for the business rule to apply to.
From the Attribute list, select an attribute or leave the default of All.
Click Add business rule.
Click Edit selected business rule.
In the Components pane, expand the Conditions node.
Click a condition and drag it to the IF pane's Conditions label.
You can delete items from your business rule by right-clicking and choosing Delete.
In the Attributes pane, click an attribute and drag it to the Edit Condition pane's Select attribute label.
In the Edit Condition pane, complete any required fields.
In the Edit Condition pane, click Save item.
In the Components pane, expand the Actions node.
Click an action and drag it to the THEN pane's Action label.
In the Attributes pane, click an attribute and drag it to the Edit Action pane's Select attribute label.
In the Edit Action pane, complete any required fields.
In the Edit Action pane, click Save item.
Optionally, add multiple conditions to the rule. For more information, see Add Multiple Conditions to a Business Rule (Master Data Services).
Click Back.
Optionally, on the Business Rules Maintenance page, for the row that contains your business rule, double-click a cell in the Name, Description, or Notification column to update the value.
Notifications are sent only for rules that include a validation action.
Click Publish business rules.
On the confirmation dialog box, click OK. The rule's status changes to Active.
Następne kroki
Apply business rules to data by following one of these procedures:
Zobacz także
Configure Business Rules to Send Notifications (Master Data Services)
Change a Business Rule Name (Master Data Services)
Add Multiple Conditions to a Business Rule (Master Data Services)