Set Synchronization Scope (Report Builder and SSRS)
Indicators convey data values by synchronizing across the range of indicator values within a specified scope. By default, the scope is the parent container of the indicator such as the table or matrix that contains the indicator. You can change the synchronization of the indicator depending on the layout of your report. For example, if a data region such as a table has a row group, you can specify the group as the indicator scope. The indicator can also omit synchronization.
Options such as measurement units can be set by using expressions. For more information, see Expressions (Report Builder and SSRS).
For general information about understanding and setting scope within reports, see Expression Scope for Totals, Aggregates, and Built-in Collections (Report Builder and SSRS).
You can create and modify report definitions (.rdl) in Report Builder and in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools. Each authoring environment provides different ways to create, open, and save reports and related items. For more information, see Designing Reports in Report Designer and Report Builder (SSRS) on the Web at
To change the synchronization scope of an indicator
Right click the indicator you want to change and click Indicator Properties.
Click Values and States in the left pane.
In the Synchronization scope list, click the scope that you want to apply.
The (None) option, which removes synchronization scope from the indicator, is always available. Other options depend on the layout of your report.
Optionally, click the Expression (fx) button to edit an expression that sets the scope.
Click OK.