Metoda Article.Create
Tworzy nowy artykuł na aktualnie podłączonych wystąpienie z SQL Server na podstawie właściwości bieżącego TransArticle obiektu lub MergeArticle obiektu.
Przestrzeń nazw: Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Zestaw: Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (w Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)
Public Sub Create
Dim instance As Article
public void Create()
void Create()
member Create : unit -> unit
public function Create()
Create Metoda może być wywoływana przez członków sysadmin roli serwera stałych w Wydawca.Może również zostać wywołana przez członków db_owner ustaloną rola bazy danych na baza danych publikacja.
Wywołanie Create jest równoważne wykonywanie sp_addarticle (języka Transact-SQL) dla transakcyjnych lub replikacja migawka lub wykonywanie sp_addmergearticle (języka Transact-SQL) dla replikacja scalająca.
Ten obszar nazw, klasy lub element członkowski jest obsługiwany tylko w.NET Framework 2.0.
// Define the Publisher, publication, and article names.
string publisherName = publisherInstance;
string publicationName = "AdvWorksProductTran";
string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks2008R2";
string articleName = "Product";
string schemaOwner = "Production";
TransArticle article;
// Create a connection to the Publisher.
ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
// Create a filtered transactional articles in the following steps:
// 1) Create the article with a horizontal filter clause.
// 2) Add columns to or remove columns from the article.
// Connect to the Publisher.
// Define a horizontally filtered, log-based table article.
article = new TransArticle();
article.ConnectionContext = conn;
article.Name = articleName;
article.DatabaseName = publicationDbName;
article.SourceObjectName = articleName;
article.SourceObjectOwner = schemaOwner;
article.PublicationName = publicationName;
article.Type = ArticleOptions.LogBased;
article.FilterClause = "DiscontinuedDate IS NULL";
// Ensure that we create the schema owner at the Subscriber.
article.SchemaOption |= CreationScriptOptions.Schema;
if (!article.IsExistingObject)
// Create the article.
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The article {0} already exists in publication {1}.",
articleName, publicationName));
// Create an array of column names to remove from the article.
String[] columns = new String[1];
columns[0] = "DaysToManufacture";
// Remove the column from the article.
catch (Exception ex)
// Implement appropriate error handling here.
throw new ApplicationException("The article could not be created.", ex);
' Define the Publisher, publication, and article names.
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim publicationName As String = "AdvWorksProductTran"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2008R2"
Dim articleName As String = "Product"
Dim schemaOwner As String = "Production"
Dim article As TransArticle
' Create a connection to the Publisher.
Dim conn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)
' Create a filtered transactional articles in the following steps:
' 1) Create the article with a horizontal filter clause.
' 2) Add columns to or remove columns from the article.
' Connect to the Publisher.
' Define a horizontally filtered, log-based table article.
article = New TransArticle()
article.ConnectionContext = conn
article.Name = articleName
article.DatabaseName = publicationDbName
article.SourceObjectName = articleName
article.SourceObjectOwner = schemaOwner
article.PublicationName = publicationName
article.Type = ArticleOptions.LogBased
article.FilterClause = "DiscontinuedDate IS NULL"
' Ensure that we create the schema owner at the Subscriber.
article.SchemaOption = article.SchemaOption Or _
If Not article.IsExistingObject Then
' Create the article.
Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
"The article {0} already exists in publication {1}.", _
articleName, publicationName))
End If
' Create an array of column names to remove from the article.
Dim columns() As String = New String(0) {}
columns(0) = "DaysToManufacture"
' Remove the column from the article.
Catch ex As Exception
' Implement appropriate error handling here.
Throw New ApplicationException("The article could not be created.", ex)
End Try
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