Restore Files and Filegroups (General Page)
Use the General page to specify information about the target and source databases for a database file or filegroup restore operation.
To restore a file backup by using SQL Server Management Studio
When you specify a restore task by using SQL Server Management Studio, you can generate the corresponding Transact-SQL RESTORE script by clicking the Script button and then selecting a destination for the script.
- To database
Enter the database to restore in the list. You can enter a new database or choose an existing database from the drop-down list. The list includes all databases on the server, excluding the system databases master and tempdb.
- From database
Select the database to restore from the list box. This list contains only databases that have been backed up according to the msdb backup history.
- From device
Select one or more tapes or disks as the source for the backup sets. Click the browse button (...) to select one or more devices; the device names appear as read-only values in the From device list.
Select the backup sets to restore
Displays the backups available for the specified location. By default, a recovery plan that achieves the goal of the restore operation is suggested based on the selection of the necessary backup sets. To override the suggested recovery plan, you can change the selections in the grid.Header Values Restore
The selected check boxes indicate the backup sets to be restored.
The name of the backup set.
The type of backup performed: Full, Differential, or Transaction Log.
The name of the Database-Engine instance that performed the backup operation.
File Logical Name
The logical name of the file.
The name of the database involved in the backup operation.
Start Date
The date and time when the backup operation began, presented in the regional setting of the client.
Finish Date
The date and time when the backup operation finished, presented in the regional setting of the client.
The size of the backup set in bytes.
User Name
The name of the user who performed the backup operation.
See Also
Other Resources
Differential File Backups
Full File Backups
How to: Back Up Database Files and Filegroups (SQL Server Management Studio)
How to: Restore Files and Filegroups (Transact-SQL)
How to: Restore Files and Filegroups over Existing Files (Transact-SQL)
How to: Restore Files to a New Location (Transact-SQL)
Performing File Restores (Full Recovery Model)
Performing File Restores (Simple Recovery Model)