New System Role
Use this page to create a system-level role definition. A system role definition specifies a set of system-level tasks that apply to a report server as whole.
Type the name of the role definition. A role definition name must be unique within the report server namespace. A name must contain at least one alphanumeric character. It can also include spaces and some symbols. Do not use the following characters when specifying a name:; ? : @ & = + , $ / * < > | " /
- Description
Provide a description that explains how to use the role and enumerates what the role supports.
- Task
Select the system-level tasks that can be performed through this role. You cannot create new tasks or modify the existing tasks that are supported by Reporting Services. You cannot choose item-level tasks for a system role definition. For more information about system tasks, see System-Level Tasks.
- Task Description
Shows a description of the task that enumerates the operations or permissions that the task supports.
See Also
Object Explorer Reporting Services F1 Help
Other Resources
Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Role Definitions
Reporting Services F1 Help
Role Definitions
Setting System-Level Security